I couldn’t find hitstun or blockstun data on NKI’s site, and no thread anywhere had a detailed listing of the actual frame data, so I did some investigating, and with the help of some SRKers, managed to compile a listing. All of this info is from pages 173-177 of the Yoga Book Hyper, courtesy of Geo. All info is translated by Ganelon, and he deserves full credit for this thread, thanks man. Also, many, many thanks to NKI, felineki, Geo, ST Wiki thread and NKI’s site.
Standing/Crouching Normal Attacks vs a standing/crouching opponent:
Light Normal Attacks = 11 frames of hitstun/blockstun
Medium Normal Attacks = 16 frames of hitstun/blockstun
Hard Normal Attacks = 20 frames of hitstun/blockstun
Jumping Normal Attacks vs a standing opponent:
Light Normal Attacks = 11 frames of hitstun/blockstun
Medium Normal Attacks = 11 frames of hitstun, 16 frames of blockstun
Hard Normal Attacks = 11 frames of hitstun, 20 frames of blockstun
Jumping Normal Attacks vs a crouching opponent:
Light Normal Attacks = 11 frames of hitstun
Medium Normal Attacks = 16 frames of hitstun
Hard Normal Attacks = 21 frames of hitstun
Command Normal Attacks (eg Overheads) have their own unique stun data. YBH claims it is totally dependent on the attack itself:
Ryu’s Overhead vs a standing opponent = 11 frames of hitstun/blockstun
Ryu’s Overhead vs a crouching opponent = 20 frames of hitstun
Ryu’s Rushing Fierce vs a standing/crouching opponent = 20 frames of hitstun/blockstun
(All other command normals are currently unknown, Ken’s Overhead is classified as a Special Attack since it does block damage, see below)
All Special Attacks (eg Shoryuken) vs a standing/crouching opponent:
20 frames of hitstun/blockstun
The blockstun for Super Attacks is varying. Nor is it clear in any situation what the hitstun/blockstun for a Super would be. The hitstun for knockdown Special Attacks and Super Attacks doesn’t exist, since they knockdown. Just to be clear, getting up speed has nothing to do with blockstun. Hitstun/blockstun data for Super Attacks is not 100% confirmable, unless someone counts the frame data. This info is not in the YBH.
Needs to be confirmed:
The blockstun data for Super Attacks needs to be captured. Also other Overheads, Command Normals, Jumping Special Attacks on a crouching opponent (eg Air Tatsu, Air Hadoken, Air SBK, Hawk’s Dive) and Special Attacks that have to be blocked high (eg Fei’s Flying Kicks, Dictator’s Head Stomp, Honda’s Sumo Splash).
Needs to be confirmed if the 1st light normal attack of a combo increases hitstun/blockstun or if the hitting/recovery frames are shortened or if the initial attack causes less hitstop for the attacker than the opponent.