Hitstun and blockstun frame data

I couldn’t find hitstun or blockstun data on NKI’s site, and no thread anywhere had a detailed listing of the actual frame data, so I did some investigating, and with the help of some SRKers, managed to compile a listing. All of this info is from pages 173-177 of the Yoga Book Hyper, courtesy of Geo. All info is translated by Ganelon, and he deserves full credit for this thread, thanks man. Also, many, many thanks to NKI, felineki, Geo, ST Wiki thread and NKI’s site.

Standing/Crouching Normal Attacks vs a standing/crouching opponent:

Light Normal Attacks = 11 frames of hitstun/blockstun
Medium Normal Attacks = 16 frames of hitstun/blockstun
Hard Normal Attacks = 20 frames of hitstun/blockstun



Jumping Normal Attacks vs a standing opponent:

Light Normal Attacks = 11 frames of hitstun/blockstun
Medium Normal Attacks = 11 frames of hitstun, 16 frames of blockstun
Hard Normal Attacks = 11 frames of hitstun, 20 frames of blockstun


Jumping Normal Attacks vs a crouching opponent:

Light Normal Attacks = 11 frames of hitstun
Medium Normal Attacks = 16 frames of hitstun
Hard Normal Attacks = 21 frames of hitstun


Command Normal Attacks (eg Overheads) have their own unique stun data. YBH claims it is totally dependent on the attack itself:

Ryu’s Overhead vs a standing opponent = 11 frames of hitstun/blockstun
Ryu’s Overhead vs a crouching opponent = 20 frames of hitstun
Ryu’s Rushing Fierce vs a standing/crouching opponent = 20 frames of hitstun/blockstun


(All other command normals are currently unknown, Ken’s Overhead is classified as a Special Attack since it does block damage, see below)

All Special Attacks (eg Shoryuken) vs a standing/crouching opponent:

20 frames of hitstun/blockstun



The blockstun for Super Attacks is varying. Nor is it clear in any situation what the hitstun/blockstun for a Super would be. The hitstun for knockdown Special Attacks and Super Attacks doesn’t exist, since they knockdown. Just to be clear, getting up speed has nothing to do with blockstun. Hitstun/blockstun data for Super Attacks is not 100% confirmable, unless someone counts the frame data. This info is not in the YBH.

Needs to be confirmed:
The blockstun data for Super Attacks needs to be captured. Also other Overheads, Command Normals, Jumping Special Attacks on a crouching opponent (eg Air Tatsu, Air Hadoken, Air SBK, Hawk’s Dive) and Special Attacks that have to be blocked high (eg Fei’s Flying Kicks, Dictator’s Head Stomp, Honda’s Sumo Splash).

Needs to be confirmed if the 1st light normal attack of a combo increases hitstun/blockstun or if the hitting/recovery frames are shortened or if the initial attack causes less hitstop for the attacker than the opponent.

That’s not entirely all true. Jump in moves have different hitstun / blockstun. I know this sounds crazy, but I know with Honda his jump in :hk: does more blockstun than it does hitstun.

Go to training mode, pick Honda for your character and Guile for the computer. Jump in a few times with :hk: and watch how long it takes him to recover. Then make him block and do it again. It takes much longer for him to recover from a blocked jump in attack than it does to recover from a jump in attack that hits.

I know this because in some situations Honda has a throw loop with jump forward :hk: into :hp:/:hk: grab, and the timing is different on hit. In fact sometimes it’s a valid strategy for the opponent to take the hit on the :hk: to get out of the throw loop.

Crouching or standing?

Honda’s j.Roundhouse vs a standing Guile would give 11 frames of hitstun/blockstun. Vs a crouching Guile, that would be 20 frames of hitstun.

I’m kind of confused. Do all specials have the same amount of hit stun? Do all jabs have the same hit stun? I’m just confused because I’m used to different characters having different hit stuns attached to their moves.

All standing. All I’m saying is the bold part is slightly wrong. He’s in more stun if he blocks the attack vs. getting hit.

Yeah…I know you were trying to condense the information, blitzfu, but megamanpb’s got a point there. That would be confusing for people who don’t already know the frame data on hitstun and block stun. I would suggest either specifying on each line whether the attacks are hitting or being blocked or writing a little sub-section under standing opponents that says “all jumping attacks on hit stun for 11 frames, while blocked jumping attacks stun like grounded attacks of the same strength”.

Hmmm…I think I’ll take door #2, Monty! :slight_smile:

According to this the blockstun for jumping moves is L=11, M=16, H=20 but the hitstun for jumping moves is 11, regardless of the strength of the attack.

EDIT: FreshOJ beat me to it while I was posting…

I’m inclined to believe that you are correct. And after reading the ST Wiki thread again, I think NKI meant he was wrong about hitstun/blockstun being the same for grounded attacks, but being 1 frame more of blockstun for jumping attacks. Thanks for pointing that out. Jeez, this stuff is confusing. :wow:

Thanks for the suggestion OJ, I updated the 1st post. :party:

I do this to avoid an obvious Akuma air fireball + raging demon. I take the fireball hit and then I can jump safely away from the raging demon. Taking the hit also screws up the timing of the Akuma player as they try the raging demon.

Hey! I didn’t see door #3 there! Good edit, man! :slight_smile:

Here’s another confusing statement from that link you posted:

(For jumping attacks that hit, the stun generated is 11 frames regardless of the strength of the attack. Blocked jumping attacks generate the same 11/16/20 pattern of stun just described.)

Blocked jumping attacks give 1 more frame than hitstun, or so I understand.

That’s called a “sac throw”! :slight_smile: That’s a Street Fighter 102 concept, too. :slight_smile:

I don’t know that this applies to Zankuu Hadoukens, though. I’m pretty sure that, since they’re a special move, they stun like a heavy attack. However, the slowdown might be what’s throwing their timing off.

That wouldn’t work on me, by the way. On the off chance that I play Akuma in anything, my days spent in training mode perfecting ticking off of Aerial Hadoukens into the Raging Demon get me past the slowdown. Beware the expert player that decides to mess around with him. Beware!!!

Yep…I’m going to say it…THIS FOE IS BEYOND ANY OF YOU! RUN!!!

Since it’s my blog, allow me to comment :slight_smile:

All of the data in that blog post were from the sources I list in my sidebar (NKI and such like). If I recall correctly, it was NKI himself who stated that hitstun and blockstun are the same length.

I’m happy to revise my understanding based on either evidence or a person with sufficient authority stating as such.


  • g

blitzfu: Remember the 6th post? NKI corrected himself afterward. I’m not sure how he came to either determination though:


Ok. If you jump in with anything and they dont block they are in stun for 11 frames.

If they do block, the strength of your attack determines how long they are in stun.

That’s how I interpret that, and I agree with this and the link SJV posted too. If it didnt work this way, I wouldnt be able to throw loop le0n0wski! :wgrin:

No, blocked jumping attacks do this amount of stun.

:lp:/:lk: = 11
:mp:/:mk: = 16
:hp:/:hk: = 20

Yeah he did correct himself, but he says “except for jumping attacks”. I take that to mean he was correct about jumping attacks giving 1 more frame of blockstun than hitstun.

Fine, but you’re still not differentiating between a standing or crouching opponent. Obviously if an opponent is crouching, the blockstun data for a jump attack is insignificant. There is only hitstun. And vs a standing opponent, it’s quite clear from NKI and the ST wiki thread, that hitstun/blockstun from a jumping attack on a standing opponent is all the same.

Edit: LOL I’m an idiot. I had blockstun data for jump attacks vs a crouching opponent. I updated the 1st post, but I think my brain is pretty much tossed now. LOL

How many goats and chickens do we have to sacrifice to summon NKI?? :slight_smile:

What he means is that jumping attacks deal more blockstun than they do hitstun, and that he’s wrong that it was only one frame. You are confusing yourself now blitz.

Yeah, I think you’re right EA. I updated the 1st post. Lemme know if it looks right.

Edit: As for Overheads, I think they have the same hitstun/blockstun as jumping attacks. Ryu’s Overhead on a standing opponent does not have enough frame advantage to combo a cr.Short/Forward/RH, but it does on a crouching opponent. So I’m thinking on a standing opponent, the hitstun/blockstun is 11 frames and on a crouching opponent hitstun is either 16 or 20 frames. I’m thinking 20 since it feels like the same duration as his j.RH on a crouching opponent. Thoughts?

Can you please cite your source for the above, or describe your methodology? Many thanks!