Hitbox Mini Concept Design (draft)

New here, Hello.
So recently I’ve been getting into fighting games because of Dragon Ball Figherz. Bought myself a fighting commander because I prefer to use the dpad than a stick (mainly because I played on my gameboy a lot as a kid so my hands are more used to that). But the controller kinda sucks so decided to try to create my own. Here a draft of what I have in mind

This is just a draft not everything is final. So any questions or advise. This is my first ever making an arcade controller/

Welcome to the boards.

A few comments/questions:

  1. Are you planning to hold it like a controller (using the D-pad with your left thumb) or putting it on your lap and using it like a hitbox? Because the D-pad looks uncomfortable to use on your lap, but the intended thickness (2") is really big to be holding in your hands like a controller.

  2. Not that it can’t be done, but those case dimensions look REALLY tight to fit in all that you want, especially for a first-time project. My recommendation is to build up everything in 3D renders and see if/how everything fits (that’s how I do it).

  3. Keep in mind that many already-made momentary pushbuttons are not designed for high responsiveness for quick gameplay. They’re usually fine for system buttons (Start/Select), but are not always good for actualy gameplay. Think along the lines of playing games with the buttons used in elevators.

  1. I wanted to make it so I can hold like a normal controller so I can use my thumbs.
  2. The design is small but I was planning to use really short wires so everything would fit together. The layout is not final though, there are other design I have in mind if the this one doesn’t work out.
  3. Yeah, I don’t know much about the buttons, just chose those because they were the appropriate size for the controller.

I’m still skeptical as to whether everything will fit (I’m mainly referring to the components themselves, not even counting the wiring), but I’m very curiously optimistic to see how this project turns out.
Like I mentioned above, I’d recommend drawing everything (case, buttons, PCB, connectors, etc) in a 3D modeling software to see if it’ll all fit.
Alternatively, I’d also recommend using cheaper and easier to use materials (foam-core-board comes to mind) to essentially “prototype” your controller.

Well, I’d say just try out whatever you think might work. No better way to learn in this hobby than trial and error and personal experience.
In all likelihood, the buttons will be way too stiff for regular gameplay. You’re more probably going to have better luck making physical buttons for the casing, and having them press on micro-tact switches mounted on perf-board.

Thank You FreedomGundam for the advise, prototyping the design never came as a thought. Was just gonna give the 3d print the shell and see what happens.
In any case, Can you recommend a wiring tutorial or a guide cause that part confuses me.