Hit stop: the frame of freeze when for both attacker and defender when the attack connect after defender goes in hit stun/block stun and attaccker in recovery frames of the attack or in the next attack if cancel.
YBH bars:
red bar: hitting frames of an attack
gray bar before red bar: start up frames of the attack
gray bar after red bar: recovery frames of the attack
Example of meaty attack:
Vega’s cr.forward: 5 frames of start up, 8 hitting frames, 5 recovery frames.
Vega (dict) cr.forward with defender down, if you do meaty you can connect 2 cr.forward in a combo.
if you follow the definition of “hit stop” with a meaty attack you can only earn frames on “start up”.
meaty cr.forward: you start with other player down and when he wake up you are in your hitting frames, you hit and you go in hit stop then in recovery and then you can start the next cr.forward, the avantage is that the other player when wake up cannot react because you are already in your hitting frames.
no meaty cr.forward: you start with other player standing, you go in start up frames and then hit the player and then hit stop, recovery and then next cr.forward.
To combo 2 attacks you need to hit when enemy is still in hit stun, taking the example of meaty and no meaty about hit stun there is no difference but they in practize they combo with meaty and dont with no meaty.
I think that the solution is that when you hit with cr.forward you have to wait hit stop and all remaining hitting frames of the attack that in the case of a normal cr.forward is 7 because you hit always on the first but in the case of the meaty cr.forward you can hit if clever also on the last and you have to wait nothing.
Your understanding of meaty combos is correct, but I just want to make sure we’re clear on one other thing:
Do you mean the opponent can not do a reversal because you are doing a meaty? If so, that’s not correct–you can still reversal even if the opponent is doing a meaty.
From this post i think we can also give this definition, how to read YBH attacks data:
When you attack, there are 2 option:
A1)start up frames … hit frame ( plus hit stop if the attack hit) (all)…recovery frame.
All these if hits.
A2) start up frames…hit frames (all)…recovery frames.
All these if blocked.
Also for defender 2 option:
D1) hit stop…hit stun if is hitten
D2) block stun if block
A1,A2,D2,D2 are the total frames and are numbers.
if A1 - D1 - X (with X= start up frames of another attack) = 0 (or below 0) the two attacks can combo.
A2 - D2 - X = N more N is near to zero (or below) more the block string is good (the opponent cannot react).
For keep low as possible A1 or A2 we can use the cancel or meaty attack. With cancel you dont add in A1 and A2 the recovery frames and you go directly in the start up frames of the next move. With meaty attacks, as we were saying above, you subract frames from start up and hit (keep attenction to leave at least 1 frame (only 1 frame is the optimum) in hit or the attack whiff).