Naz brings up a good point. I hope I’m not diverging into something too theoretical, but I think something that hinders players greatly is their own resistance to learning things that seem too difficult to be practical. You never know when you might need that one VERY situational combo or technique that could save you the game.
However, in bodlers defense, confirming with Sean is more difficult than any other shoto :sad:
you can do it too all it takes is practice, a clear mind and resolve.
also its interesting to me how different players find that different confirms are difficult or easy.
personally i think that has to do with where the starting position of the stick is to cause the confirmable move to come out and player differences with how they use the stick.
for example i always found ken’s stand mp link much easier than dudley’s toward and forward into super because the stand mp starts in neutral. after practicing more i find no difference because now im comfy starting from neutral or toward.
i think its worth noting because honestly that is the only reason i think people think back+fierce is more difficult than i know has more cancel frames but back+fierce has allot too or at least it feels that way. and i practice on ps2 so everything is tighter.
i had trouble for a while since the start position of back+fierce was obviously back and starting from down was some much easier to roll to forward in case of hit.
i think its something worth looking into while practicing hit confirms, seeing how your stick technique factors into it. also when you are thinking more about the motion of the stick you are going to think the window is smaller because your focus is divided.
thats what i found in my own practice anyway
So I started playing around in 3S’s training mode in an attempt to improve my reactions. Thankfully this thread showed me that it’s not just me who finds Ken hit-confirming into Super impossible because I was about to stop playing video games forever lol.
Are there any players on here who can do it consistently? How long did it take you to learn to do it? Do you have good reflexes in general or is this something you trained specifically for 3S?