He says:
“I think, between the home consoles available in the domestic market, the PS4 is the best. It’s also excellent for graphics, being able to render 1080p at 60fps with room to spare. Since it does it a little better than other hardware, the image quality of the PS4 is the most beautiful. It’s the closest to the photorealistic quality we are aiming at.”
Compare how many third-party games run @ 1080p/60FPS on PS4 to Xbone. Most of those same third-party games run at 720p/30FPS. or 1080p/30FPS on Xbone.
Whenever a third-party game comes out on both consoles, PS4 wins, everytime. It isn’t like last-gen anymore where you’d see one game perform better on X console because it was the lead development platform, now the power gap is real. 60% of a power difference @ a 100 dollars less.