Hi any 1 make custom plexiglass for Saturn Virtua Stick HSS-0136

is there any 1 making a plexiglass for saturn virtua stick for hss-0136

i need a layout like this …http://img254.imageshack.us/img254/3925/virtuasticktemplate21.jpg

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very urgent . . or is there any site is making them ?

No that stick hella old and its not like the namco that is beloved so unless you want get one custom made ($$$) you are out of luck sorry

i just got it for 25 $ .lol

might be cheaper to buy a Drill and make the extra holes yourself :slight_smile:

ya i though of it too . i just got the plexiglass order now i need the metal panel part lol

somebody actually makes one for that stick?

yes sir i bought from here http://www.dama.com.sg/acrylic.htm they provide the cutting as well

cool man nice find maybe you should just get it thick enough to replace the metal panel it would be cheaper. I know the guy here at tech talk charges like $30 or so for a replacement panel

can i have a link to it . i need the metal panel as well badly so i can apply the plexiglass

If you get it thick enough you dont need the metal at all
here the link it takes a couple of month to get it I’ve herd

i like to mash on arcade stick tat the problem lol

there a lot stronger than you think there’s no way you will you would crack it from playing

saw in the forum lot of them got cracked , due to smashing