Heyy guyss New guy here!

So heres the deal, IM DONE WITH FPS. period. I’ve already become good enough at them to the point where Im bored all the TIME. So I’ve decided to switch over to fighting games, and you know, Marvel vs Capcom is my type of game. (Don’t worry I know the frustrations) SO! I made myself a nice little account on here to try and expand my friends in the fighting world as well as becoming an all around good player that can hold his own. (With all your guys’ help, of course). Now Im not completely new and clueless to MvC3, I do know some basics but it doesn’t hurt to get someone to practice with or to give general tips. I do plan on getting myself a nice little starter stick but im strapped for cash right now as im buying MvC3 tomorrow so I have to use a controller (FML) but I should do okay. If anyone would like to introduce themselves and give tips right off the BAT then feel free. My gamertag for xbox is V
Super lNovice (the l is and L i believe, if not try i) BE STEEZY. :tup:

Hey man. Don’t have xbl (or psn for that matter.) But this thread doesn’t belong here. It should be here:
XBOX Live!
or since your from STL:
or even though your “not completely new” you should check here out as well:
Newbie Saikyo Dojo

haha got moved while i was responding. Now it is where it should be still don’t be afraid to check out the other 2 links though.

Oh okay My bad :stuck_out_tongue: thanks to whoever moved it. but yeah Ill check those out.

:bluu: The announcement is here: Announcements - Marvel Vs Capcom

use the Matchmaking threads for this… dood: http://shoryuken.com/f342/marvel-vs-capcom-3-matchmaking-thread-269996/