Here's the guys at UnequalledMedia doing a brief rundown of Omega USF4

Dan is shown at around 16:00 together with Oni. Oni sadly stole the show there, but some stuff was shown for Dan.

Dan’s IA EX Danku is now a dive kick. It’s still 3 hits, but it looks pretty rad. His new MGB looks pretty cool and they said that he got his Command Grab. His grounded Dankus are now more like how they are in Alpha it seems like, but lk.Danku is still the same.


Don’t see any video from that link, but here’s my rundown so far (with reference to properties, not damage numbers or anything).
Also the character seems to be based on 2012 Dan, as any Ultra changes seem to be back to 2012 and he has no red focus.
In general he doesn’t seem to be OP in any way other than maybe too easy damage from the grounded EX danku juggling now, I’d be curious to see him allowed in a normal tournament.


All lights - no apparent change

cl. mp, cr. mp, cr. mk - no apparent change

far mp - special cancellable

cl. mk - special cancellable on second hit now

far. mk - now 2 hits, first is special cancellable

far hp, cr. hk - no apparent change

cl. hp - animation is the taunt, much faster startup

cr. hp - 6f startup now, links from cl. mp, cl. hk

New Move f hp - command normal, old cl. hp animation slowed down, overhead

cl. hk - back to 2012 as a non-command normal

far. hk - slides forward a bit now for better range

Special moves

Gadouken (all versions) - no apparent change

lk Dankyaku - no apparent change

mk, hk Dankyaku - Alpha style kicks, no juggle properties. Didn’t test safeness, though hk will easily go over a croucher now. Mk is at least 8f startup as you can link it from cl. mp and it will combo off mediums if the first hit is in range

ex Dankyaku - Has juggle properties, can be tacked on after lk Danku and lp Koryu even midscreen depending on spacing

air lk, mk, hk Dankyaku - no apparent change

air ex Dankyaku - new animation and has a downward arc instead of leaving Dan stationary, ends in soft knockdown. Seems to be even to slight advantage on block. Still juggles but there is no real point with the faster normal EX danku being the same thing.

mp, hp, ex Koryuken - no apparent change

lp Koryuken - Has forward motion now, plausibly has better recovery due to being able to link EX Dankyu. Also has a weird secondary late hitbox that only does 50 damage, but haven’t seen any situation in which it juggles

New Move Saikyo Stomp - 360+k input (VERY lenient, can get it with lazy Dankyu inputs even), command grab where Dan slides forward with his throw animation, and grabs and stomps the opponent. Lp, mp, hp all seem to be the same version. Ex version adds a chop at the end for 10 more damage, seems to have more range. Didn’t check if it has any invulnerabilities. Seems to be around 7f startup or so.

New Move Saikyoretsuken - qcb+p input, flurry of punches with different enders on different strengths. lp will combo from a light, mp from a medium, hp from a hard, and ex from a medium. All regular versions end in a quick soft knockdown, ex version ends in a launcher, though it does not recover fast enough to link to U2 even if you FADC it. They have juggle properties though HP takes too long to link off anything and EX does not connect the juggle hit so it’s pointless

Ultra/Super Combos

No apparent changes to any moves other than U2 does like no damage as a juggle now despite not having any apparent buffs and U1 has qcb x2 motion now for some reason


Lvl 1 Focus does a soft knockdown on hit

Crouch taunt is much faster startup (links after lp koryu/lk danku), does a soft knockdown on juggle/anti air, and can be super cancelled. (does not gain meter like since this seems to be 2012 Dan)

Air taunt has much faster recovery, so much that it is actually possible to combo a light off it if the opponent is crouching, though it will not register a hit on the counter.

Gonna add some stuff to that.

cl.lp is now at least +7 on hit. Could link into with relative ease, but not
far.hp is slightly faster in recovery and start-up. Start-up is not fast enough to combo from tho.
cr.hp seems to have better hitbox. Could anti-air with it quite well.

LK Danku feels like it have less active frames or less recovery. The move feels a bit faster.
MK and HK Danku still have juggle points. It’s possible to juggle into them after DP FADC, but the timing is a lot stricter than before.

I’ll be back when I find more stuff.


cr.taunt puts the opponent in a free float state on a air hit. You can hit U1 after it. The same with jump taunt.

cr.lp is +6 on hit.

nj.hp is much faster than it used to be.

HP DP is either much slower it it got it’s grounded hitbox severely reduced. Still strong as a AA move.

EX Gadoken have more juggle points. After DP FADC I was able to fully land 1 EX Gadoken and 1 hit from a second one.

Dan’s new cl.hp is at least +1 on hit and have at least 5 active frames. I could link into st.lp and on a CH and after a meaty cl.hp. (we did it guys, we have a normal with more than 3 active frames)

All on-EX Versions of Dan’s new special Saikyoretsuken have juggle points. Light version is able to land on every single character after a lk.danku in the corner. EX Version have a couple but not enough to launch again.

All non-EX versions of Retsuken are at least +8 after first hit FADC, +5 after second hit FADC. While the damage isn’t great, it’s a far more reliable than Gadoken FADC since Restuken drags the opponent closer guaranteeing that connects. Interesting combo usages.
The first hit on EX Restuken is +8 and all the others are at least +5 after FADC. Due to the amount of hits, it’s really easy to just throw this one out and make it safe/hitconfirm it.

Speaking of, it sends the opponent into a juggle state on a air hit, allowing you to connect U2, EX Danku etc etc. If you hit them high enough, you can connect regular MK and HK Danku.

There’s still some stuff I haven’t figured out yet. I’ll get back to yuo guys later- Might even make a video on this, tho I would need some help.

OK yeah wow lol taunt is the best thing ever now. Air taunt > cr. taunt > cr. taunt (xx super) is a combo.

UPDATE AGAIN: A quick one, I forgot to include it.

EX Restuken have armor during the start-up, so It’s viable to use as a wake-up. Couple that with the fact that it launches and have some cool FADC combos, it’s a good wake-up option.

Dan push block is PPP Sort of works like a parry in corner.

Don’t see anyone else having mentioned it, so…

Dan’s Super Combo was changed, for the better. Dan will move forward for the first few hits now to ensure that an enemy caught at max range won’t have some attacks whiff and be able to block mid-combo. It will also trap a juggled opponent and land every hit on him, rather than sending him flying away.

Oh yeah, forgot to mention that super change. Been busy recently. Gonna try to make a complete list off all changes on Omega Dan. Feel free to post anything you guys find, like combos, usages of his new tools, etc etc. I’ll be off for Xmas tho soon, so might not be able to make the list until after Xmas.

I posted this on another thread but this one seems more appropriate

  • His Super Saikyo Jump Taunt is no longer a super jump, same jump as his normal
  • Taunting doesn’t gain you meter, even on hit but the animation is much quicker
  • Close st HP forces standing… makes it easier to land a MK and HK Dan kick without wiffing
  • Close st MK (1st hit) forces standing
  • Back throws the opponent does not land next to Dan, but slightly further

Besides the Ultra and Super Moves Dan doesn’t have a hard knock down move. Even throws and crouch hk are not hard knock down.