Looks like the next character, aka the Magician, is working for Gargos as a herald. Possibly a telekenetic character, a la Raven from Injustice, or Ermac from Mortal Kombat, judging by Shadow Jago getting knocked around by thin air, at the end of the Riptor trailer.
Let’s call him Harold for the time being Completely unique from Shadow Jago, has a shadow move that uses 2 bars and is the basically the 9th character of the season. Even though he’s out next month.
I’m pretty sure his 2 bar shadow move has something to do with Gargos, transformation maybe?
yeah I am willing to bet/guess he has a transformation move or some sort of mode changing or alteration.
I am guessing that perhaps this means one of the characters this season will be a Herald of Eyedol? My money is on the Golem.