Henshin A Go Go, Baby! Viewtiful Joe Thread

Probably the fully charged Voomerang he had in TVC which flames up and homes in. A different button strength changes the trajectory of the Voomerangs.

His Six Machine Canon no longer does wall bounce but I’ll take being able to combo into it! Red hot Kick hits OTG now and he got some more special move. This is shaping up to be the best game ever.

uhh this is a fighting game . . .

The best way to go about him slowing him down and speeding himself up was to give him a pseudo genei-jin special and he didn’t get that in TVC. Doesn’t seem like he’ll get it here either.

Red hot one hundred animation is included in mach speed and I’m pretty sure ukemi is his quick stand animation.

I just wanted yo be able to combo into cannom super, i got that and i am happy combo a go go baby

here’s the cool prt: they didn’t show his Lv. 3, which means it could be something new- Six Majin, anyone?

Like Ipatsuman’s lvl 3? lol we’ll see.

Slowdown/Zoom-in could make for a cool counter move. Initiate the attack, get hit, it zooms in/slows down and he does his overdramatic dodge of the move, initiates counter.

Isn’t that how it worked in the Viewtiful Joe games? I’m pretty sure you got the dramatic dodge and counter by zooming in and slowing down.

And he rightfully has long combos. That was all you did in Viewtiful Joe. Mash on enemies for tons of hits, launch them into the air, jump after them, and practically pause in the air as you mash them with even more hits. He had to be one of the easiest characters to translate into a fighting game.

Really hope he has a special where he calls his giant mech out, or uses speed up and rushes you with like a billion hits.

EDIT: And did they show two specials? I only noticed six machine cannon.

It’ll probably just be Viewtiful Forever again.

Ukemi’s REAL ability is to recover some damage!
Slowing only himself or speeding himself at the cost of meter shouldnt be too hard to do!
Take 2 would be good to have at the cost of 2 meters ONLY once!
And switching to Sylvia to use her gun and homing ability would be great.

But I see they went the route of JUST c/v from TvC! and making his moves work better.

Mach Speed was shown.

I noticed something about his Voomerangs. He sent out a flaming one with seemingly no charge time which was required in the games and TVC. Huge buff right there!

Ah. And it seems like the zoom-in/slowdown counter move I just described is almost exactly what his lvl3 super is from Tatsunoko, lul. I think his level 3 should be far more epic than that, though.

I want Silvia in his Lv. 3. Like Morrigan’s Max Hyper thingy in TvC, it could be like, but with Joe and Silvia.

Looks like they buffed viewtful joe, nice.

You were able to combo into six machine in TvC either off an assist, baroque’d shocking pink, or his level 3. I’m interested in seeing his new moves though. Looks like he picked up a few new tricks in this game and lost some. Looks like I can’t do high/low mixups off his air joe anymore due to the speed that they fall.

Joe looks really good, can’t wait to use him.

It does look like he received some buffs, but we won’t be able to say until we actually play the game. His Shocking Pink seems to still come out slow as all hell.

Too bad this is just a TvC upgrade.

I was looking forward to FRESH ideas!

Ukemi recovers a little health
Switching to Sylvia for ranged attacks.
Controlling joe’s speed and slowness at will. Meter cost.
Mach Speed Hyper creates multiple images of Joe around his foe.
And ofcourse a REAL…RHOH.

How many times are you going to make the same post?

I have lots of questions about Joe that can only be answered by playing him…

  1. Red Hot Kick safe on block
  2. Bombs can or cannot hit Joe
  3. How to get charged Voomerangs immediately
  4. Size of Joe’s Hurtbox (avoid high attacks)

But what is awesome is that unlike TvC Joe can Launch from his VFX Slide.

If RHK is safe on block, then I could see Joe being really good. And I hope that this game around, that if the bombs can hit Joe, then they have a faster start up and recovery.

I don’t think you can actually tell if he is charging the fire vrang or not because of where it starts, so I wouldn’t assume he doesn’t need to especially considering each vrang is thrown differently with different buttons, so there wouldn’t be room for another input; or at least, that’s how it’ll be if they keep it the same.

I just hope the charge time gets shortened, and that he can TK them again.

I’m liking the way Viewtiful Joe looks in the game so far. Not too fond of his English voice 'cause I was really hoping for Dee Bradley Baker again, but I’ll be fine with it. Liking some of his new moves/adjustments too. He’s been my favorite Capcom character since his first game, so he’ll definitely be part of my main team along with Amaterasu.

Haven’t really found a solid third character yet, but there’s still time and quite a few more announcements to make.