Helpless guy attacked by 7 kids

Too bad the other video is private now, where the girl who supposedly exposed the names of the attackers said the guy getting jumped is part of a gang that previously attacked some of the assailants in the video people are watching. So I guess this is supposed to be retaliation. Does this mean they’re the ones stabbing the bully? So confuzzled.

I really hope that when these guys go to prison that somebody will take a metal bar and knock out all their teeth before they get their mouths raped.

They can be in the same cell as Jerry Sandusky.

The girl trying to defend the 7 guys.


these guys are totally fucked now thanks to the internets

this girl might be Asian and a cutie-pie but when a court sees this all they gonna see is - witness confirms identity of attackers, thx ggs.

And then they’ll go, “Also, you are now an accessory to this crime. Have a nice day :)”

Sure you know them girl! You just revealed them on the internet! Good job on having no common sense!
I hope you like them all enough to visit them in prison, wearing prison clothes and getting their asses beat by other GROWN men that actually fight back.

And the point of this video was? Every other line was “UM” and your main points are all over the place. I suggest taking a speech class before making a fool of yourself on youtube.

I lose my faith in humanity (and myself by association) more and more every day

I dont give a aardvark’s anus what some dumb broad has to say…them boys are gonna get their ass whopped…its in chi-town to? HA!

If it wasn’t for netizens, these clowns would of probably been ignored by popos. it’s amazing what the internet can do.

Internet detectives>>detectives

This video is srk in a nutshell. Bunch of white and asian dudes pretending to be black that can’t fight for shit.

How do you know this guy WASN’T the bully and they were paying him back for stealing their little sisters lunch money. Why else would they have video evidence and not just hearsay? So that they could show the world what happens when you pick on people smaller than you.

Yeah I just made that up before some retard on this site takes it for a fact.

I was gonna say that it couldn’t have happened today. a lot of the snow has melted today in chicago, so maybe a day or 2 ago. But still regardless if this is gang retailiation or whatever. Man up and walk away.

Asian kids jumping an Asian kid, while constantly calling him a “nigga.”

Godfuckingdamn, I HATE chiggers.

imagines kids in general pop.
big bubba lookin nigga with no drawls on rolls up on masked kid at the end
nigga I ain’t got not CLEAN drawls NIGGA!
Dick swings and hits kid in the face
whatchu gon do about it?!?!
ironed or pressed sir?
I’ll have them ready asap sir!
grabs groin
good lil nigga, we gon have fun tonight, your ass gon be so raw the only thing that will soothe that shit is Jesus’s tears, and after that bullshit you done, he ain’t got no tears for bitch niggas like you.
oh we runnin train tonight, me, my nigga arson and my nigga ardvark, bovice might be down too.

we got to stop this asian on asian crime

so it was payback. helpless chinese kid got what he deserved. if there had been a video of the 20 vs 2 beating you guys would be saying the complete opposite.

Good. Kill yourself then. A lot of far worst shit goes on in America daily

…kill them all

Im just glad the kid who got attacked didnt have a knife or a weapon on him, because if one of those kids who attacked him would have gotten murdered that would have been tragic…

If you were a part of the recent bully thread you know what im talking about…