Helpless guy attacked by 7 kids

I’m going to start carrying brass knuckles, give em’ the fucking brass.

Should move to Florida, carry a knife and stab his attackers 12 times next time.

First comes the phone numbers. Next comes the house address.

On the real though, fuck them. Shit was wack. Hope those guys end up with charges, end up getting in prison somewhere a long the lines and get a work release detail where they work for an asian employer for minimum wage. Or that they just get their kneecaps blown out.

crazy stuff… but the full story gets stranger and stranger… apparently the guy who got beat up had PREVIOUSLY gotten 20 people to beat up the 2 brothers in the group!

This saddens me and angers me at the same time.
It takes 7 people just to beat someone up? Its as if one of those kids couldnt beat him up by himself and had to call his friends in order to attack another teenager.
This video just sickens me just to think if its worth saving some ignorant people that live in this world.

It’s funny that the video popped up when you have hordes of people arguing against that other youth for stabbing the bully who sucker punched him from behind.

I don’t condone of their use of the word nigga, at first I sighed thinking ‘‘what are my people doing’’.

Other people joining in on boot parties? At least they weren’t rocking Doc Martin’s. Hmm…:coffee:

I’ve never heard “nigga” said so much without a single black person seen anywhere near the vicinity.

Humanity disgusts me. I hope the chinese kid gets really pissed, becomes Magneto, and starts whoopin ass.

On a serious note; he was able to get up and stumble away. Geez, he got hit in the head so many times… I’ll pray he comes out of it with minimal injuries.

Please update when info on the “bullies” are released. Fuckin pussies… you may have a disagreement but you don’t need to jump a kid like that. Justice will be served; the interwebs is too strong.

Saw the thread title and thought it was a Kindergarten Cop thread.

What I found inside was much worse. The internet was damn quick on finding out info about those guys. Can’t believe someone involved was dumb enough to actually post it on youtube. o_o

Kids do all kinds of stupid shit, is it really that surprising? :stuck_out_tongue:

Glad he’s alright. Kinda sad that it took 7 of them to take on one guy who didn’t even fight back. Maybe jail time with grown-ass men will make some of them get their priorities straight.

Can’t be too safe. I keep my pepper spray and an anti-rape condom up my ass with me at all times.

I hope the young man will be okay and recovers.

See this would have never happened if Mike Haggar was mayor and Cody wasn’t locked up :stuck_out_tongue:

>checks country where it happened

Big surprise there.

Why didn’t he fight back, usually if you knock 1 of them up they will run

Glad it’s just minimal injuries but watching this video just got me pissed off. These little pieces of trash need their ass kicked and of course like always it’s a huge group taking on one guy, yeah that takes a lot of skill/courage. These kids are gutter-trash simple as that.

Watching the video pisses me off, then I realize being able to watch this video is the only reason these assclowns will get their come uppance so really…fuck them either way but at least there’s a smidgen of positive light in this bullshit.

Wait, you keep the pepper spray up there, too?