So, as I said a few days ago, I’m pretty new to UMvC3, but not to fighting games. I really like it thus far, however, i’m having issues with what seems to be a very simple part of a combo.

Right now I’m training up with Wesker, but this happens with everyone.

After doing a LMHS, I can’t EVER seem to land the H in MMHS while in the air. The MM part is no problem, but the H always wiffs because the other person is too high in the air. I’ve tried everything I can think of, but I’m just not getting it. It’s really, really frustrating.

Any advice at all would be greatly appreciated.

You’re probably starting your M’s way too late…do them earlier, almost as soon as you leave the ground.

And there it is! I just got it first try after reading that. I thought I had tried them early, but I guess it wasn’t early enough. Thanks!

Also keep in mind for different characters, the timing will vary…and also, the timings will vary if you’re fighting small characters like Rocket Raccoon, or you’re comboing while in x-factor.

Awesome. Good stuff to know. Thanks, again!

yesh, you need to mash wesker harder