Help with ultra 2 option select

I’m having trouble option selecting u2 off jump in attacks and hoping someone here could help me out. I can do regular option selects- like os dp with no trouble but i’m not sure what the input would be for an ultra.

If I do crossup lk tatsu, does the tatsu qcb count as 1 qcf(since you’ve now switched sides,) or do I need to do the full qcf, qcf kkk motion and at what part of the attack do you do the ultra input? Off a regular jumping hk, I tried doing jump qcf +hk, qcf kkk and sometimes it works, sometimes the ultra always comes out.

Any help would be really appreciated!

Surprised no one answered this yet. Just do jump normal QCF, QCF 3K like a special cancel. Basically, just do it as the screen is frozen/stopped. You can’t special cancel a jump normal, let a lone an Ultra, so the timing is pretty simple.