First of all, let me introduce myself. I’m Ekco_Star and I’m very new to fighting games in the sense of being above button mashing. I just recently purchased Capcom vs SNK 2: Mark of the Millenium for the PS2, and am learning and slowly progressing. I have a few questions to ask.
#1. How the hell do I fight Shin Akuma? Every time I go through Ratio Mode or the other mode (Can’t remember what it’s called,) I always end up fighting Ult. Rugal, Rugal, or Akuma. I know how to fight the final bosses, but why does Ult. Rugal always show up? I really want to obtain Shin Akuma for completion pruposes.
#2. How come I can never combo properly? I always see people playing as Akuma or something, doing a Hurricane kick to Shoruken(sp) and combo it all, but when I try, I can never get anything. Any tips?
Thanks for your help in advance,