Help with Strider/Doom/xxx ideas

since MvC2 came out a few days ago on XBLA I started taking this game a little more seriously. (I’ve only played it once or twice before in my entire life, and that was a few months ago.) the idea of the Strider/Doom combo attracts my interest greatly (both are awesome characters IMO), but I just cannot play Sentinel for the life of me (same goes for Storm) and am therefore trying to exchange him, if not only for a little while 'til I’ve gotten better at the game. because I’m new to the game, I’m gonna need some help with teams and that’s why I’m posting here. so far these are the ideas that I have (not necessarily in the order posted, of course):


and that’s pretty much all the ideas I have. those three characters are some characters that I simply love to play that aren’t on the bottom of the tier list. :sweat: I could of course exchange any of them if someone suggests that I do so as well.

your thoughts?

I’m currently really enjoying Blackheart/Strider/Doom. Shoultzula and KillerKai gave me some nice ideas.

I should really get rid of my habit of posting and then looking through other threads. thank you for that link! pretty much answered my question perfectly.