Help with stick art


I need som help with this Back To The Future II poster that I want to use as artwork on my dc stick. My photoshop has just recently died on me so I can’t do this by myself :confused:

This is what I want to do with the picture:

***Erase the Michael J Fox and Christopher Llyod text at the top of the pic.

*Erase the Back To The Future II logotype with the “A Robert Zemeckis film”-text on the right side of McFly and the Doctor.

*There’s a lot of white stuff on the black background, it would be nice if that could be erased to :slight_smile:

There’s also a little black colour on the far right of the pick wich i would like to be the same colour as the other black background*

Here’s the poster:

If somone could fix my problems I would be forever grateful :slight_smile:

jeebus man!

How does this look?

That looks really awesome Vegett0! But the back to future logotype is still there tough.
But thanks for doing the other stuff on such short notice :slight_smile:

Oh, you just wanted the art? I misunderstood. I thought you simply wanted the white font erased. I will fix it and update the link.

Edit: Fixed it.

Na man thats cool. I might keep the logo there so it’s perfect.
Thanks again so much for doing this today. I’m hopefully getting the artwork done on the stick tomorrow so thanks alot ^^