Help with Sentinel/Doom vs Cable

Well a pretty hard match for my is this… how can beat Cable w/AAA with Sentinel/DooM? i always have problems to get closer, if i use Fly…i win an ahvb or a AAA hit. In the ground i cant use DooM or beams… what can i do?

you need to try and get above cable, and begin stomping and doom lockdowns.

what you need to avoid is getting caught by the anti air and AHVB, you are going to need to know what is a possible move that the cable player will make, and choose the right way around it.

if you get unfly while fighting him then keep it, cause unfly is actually your only hope.

i’ll comeback later hopefully and give a little more in depth post on this

Get close to him in such a way that he can’t shoot you. There’s always a way in. Once you’re close, spam light attacks and Doom, unless he has Cyclops/Psy/Cammy backing him up.

You CAN use beams every once in a while as long as you cancel into and out of flight quickly, but they aren’t useful.

try to get him in the corner. then do stomp patterns with doom. and try to be directly above him… just watch out for incoming AAA (Commando). if he has none, this is what i usually do: get them in the corner, fly, stay above them while holding up then do stomp patterns with doom… idk, seems to work since sentinel’s fly property is based on the position of the enemy’s point character on the screen. (e.g. if they jump, your sentinel will also fly higher making you difficult to hit).

yea, your best and only bet is to get him in the corner. cable players with good anti-airs and esp sent usually will NOT jump towards you. just block and be patient, and familiarize yourself with sent’s forms of transportation. if he super jumps, then fly and FLY YOUR ASS AS CLOSE AS POSSIBLE staying low to the ground and unfly before he can do anything. or you can just wave dash cancel if thats easier. it doesnt matter if you only gain a couple inches, you gotta be patient and slowly work his way to the corner. ANTICIPATE the foward jump by cable because when he gets too close to the corner he knows what to do.

once you get his ass in the corner this is a little trap i do that is usually pretty successful,, unfly,, unfly /, s.lp (2hits),,, unfly /,, rp xx HSF

it does a BUNCH of chip damage, its kind of hard to time perfectly if cable has somebody like cyclops, but if he has cammy, commando, sent, storm, or any other common assist without invincibility you should be good.

haha i play ssd all the time and I always run into this fight. IMO sentinel can only beat a cable with an AA. Sent\doom vs cable is just a downhill fight. Any decent cable will win this fight easily. Either get your sentinel to god like status, or beef up doom. Your still going to have a hard fight no matter what you do with sentinel. Hes just not that good when you pair him up with doom.

if you insist on playing sent\doom\xxx, I suggest having doom come in and try to beat cable. launch, lk lk photon super dhc into sent after series does like 90% life. Not only that but he has an air dash to dodge AA’s and he also has a decent overhead.

sent\doom is just a horrible sent squad. Even though you can make it work against some of the top tiers, it will not work against an effective good cable.

trust me, I play ssd as my main squad. I know what its like running into a cable when its just sent\doom left. Its not pretty.

another option is to have your 3rd character specifically take out cable. Once cable is gone, you can try to tough it out with sent\doom.

well, sent/doom alone can’t fight well against squads like scrub/scrub clops. just turns ugly. who is your 3rd character? like the above post says it’s better to have doom in there especially if they have cyclops AA. doom can’t really rush cable but he can stale mate him and you can build meter, something sentinel/doom cant do.

sentinel /strider/doom

I dont get it? are you asking for help on how to beat cable with ssd?:confused:

not i say …asscort play with sentinel /strider/doom

i not make this question

If he is using Sent/Strider/Doom, he should start Strider against Cable I think, it may help a bit.

But, basically, Sent/Doom vs Cable/AAA is tough, but winnable. I play Storm/Sent/Doom, and whenever I play against any Cable/AAA, I usually start Sent.

One thing that is quite helpful to getting him to the corner, as which you SHOULD be doing with Sent/Doom most in the first place, is to time your Doom calls to interupt what the other player is doing.

For example, say a Cable sj. hp xx nade. You dash out of the way of the grenade, and he’s more than likely to come down with a big sj. hk. You can anticipate where he’s going to land approximately, drop Doom, and dash to the other side. He’ll either half to block, or take a rock popping him up, which can lead to big damage for you.

Basically, you have to remember, that yes, Doom does do some magnificent chip, and pins well, but also, you have to remember that that duo takes a lot of timing and great calls to win with them.

I hope any of this helps.

sent\stri\doom is my main squad. heed these words!

who you start in this fight depends on what type of cable team your fighting. If they start cable, start your strider. If they start anything else, start sent. Just look at their hands for switch gltich.

cable cant stop striders long bomb activate super + drones. Its guranteed. Whenever cable goes for tigerknee viper you should bomb activate and pin hiim down. whenever cable does guns, strider can crouch then teleport to get around the bullets. They wont touch him.

if you start sent, DONT LET HIM DIE. The bomb doesnt become as free w\o drones. If strider just does bomb activate, cable can jump fwd ahvb for free. You need the drones to stop cable from doing that.

you have to practice bomb orb cancel and crouch teleport, since its going to be the 2 things you need for this fight. Those 2 specific moves are tricky to do w\o practice.

the only thing tricky for this fight is if they start cable and you start strider, your going to have meter issues. You should try build 3\4 extra meter so dont burn yours off in the beginning. The trap usually builds about half meter back. So when you start off with 1 3\4 its really about 3 meters once you factor in the extra meter. Sometimes its good to burn it off and sometimes its not. You just have to feel out the fight and judge from there.

I have a video of kaising beating cable in the strider thread. You should check it out and see how exactly he does it.

lastly, dont let cable get meter if he starts. Strider has to apply the pressure safely which he can do.