Help with reversals/throw loops

I want to know if theres a way I can train escaping throw loops with reversals, is there tips you guys can give?


Cmon guys.

A perfectly executed throw loop can be escaped via one of two ways. Number 1, reversal special move, and number 2, reversal throw. Just train reversal moves normally. Those guys that you see doing a reversal 100% of the time get in a lot of practice. There is no short cut, the best players are probably practicing 4-6hrs a day (or perhaps even longer).

Do the best players not have jobs? :wink:

(I wish I had that amount of time to play games :frowning: )

I’m a noob, but I can say that the only way I have been able to get out of these loops is to reverse with a special move that has invincible frames at the very beginning. Ken’s fierce dragon punch has been working well for me to get out of these loops.

I haven’t been able to reverse throw to save my life.

Throw Loops are lame,


This is true. To get out of most of these throw loops you have to either reversal special move a move that starts with invincibility, or reversal throw. Also, you can piano method the special move reversal (piano method is when you tap all the buttons in sequential order and release them very quickly in order again), which gives you 6 chances to hit the reversal. If you hit your piano over the course of 10 frames (1/6th of a second), you have a 60% chance of getting the reversal to come out, which is pretty good. Most characters only have 2-4 throws, and they only activate on the button being pushed down and not the button being released (I think?), so your chances of getting a reversal throw is way worse. Hope you’re playing on a stick, because controllers suck for piano.

If you’re curious to see which moves have invincibility, go in training mode and turn hit boxes on. Blue hitboxes are your vulnerable spots and red ones are the ones you can hit with. Any move with only red hitboxes is invincible. For example, all the hitboxes on a DP has is the one red one over the DPing arm.

Some WoW/MMORPG players are playing 8-12hrs a day, so by comparison it’s not a lot of time.

Thank you for the info on “piano method”.

I have been watching tourney footage and have seen this, but I never really understood what it was about until just now.

reversal throw won’t get you out of a perfectly executed throw loop…

unless your character has a naturally long throw range. but if gief is throw looping you in the corner, reversal throw ain’t gonna save your ass for shit. good loops will be outside your throw range. reversal invincibility or die (and sometimes you reversal invincibility and then die anyway lol)

Hmmm…basically what I said in the “Beginner” thread. :slight_smile:

I think Minty had a great idea when he started that thread. I’m starting to think it should be stickied.

Reversal throws will not work on command throws because command throws have priority over regular throws. So this not only applies to Gief, but also to Honda and T. Hawk. With these characters, a special move reversal is your only escape.

The distance thing mainly applies to Gief vs. Honda/Hawk. In these match-ups Gief will jab 2 or 3 times so that he will be out of Ochio/Typhoon range (other command throws) and then SPD. With a character that does not have a command throw, Gief can just do a SPD even if he is in your throw range and the command throw will have priority over the reversal throw even if you time it correctly.

Wait…I have to point this out…

A reversal throw occurs in the reversal window, which is the last frame of hit/block stun. By virtue of that fact, doesn’t that render that person unthrowable since you can’t throw someone in hit/block stun? The only way the command throw wins is if your opponent is outside of your throw range…in which case a reversal special move that is unthrowable is your only escape. The fact that the reversal window is unthrowable is the only reason why reversal throws and reversal special moves allow you to escape…because they extend your invincibility to throws.

I hope I’m making sense.

Granted, decent players ticking with command throws will usually make sure that they are outside of your throw range before they try to throw you, but the fact still remains that if they’re within your throw range, a reversal throw wins every time.

I don’t think command throws have priority over normal throws. I’ve seen a Dhalsim player escape a tick > SPD with a reversal Fierce throw, and not just once, but multiple times. And I’ve tried it myself using Dhalsim, and it works great. Especially on shallow ticks like st.Short. If a Zangief player did a less shallow tick eg cr.Jab x 3 > SPD, then yeah, the command throw would win over the normal throw everytime as Zangief is no longer in throw range. I think normal throw vs command throw is decided randomly by the CPU, much the same as normal throw vs normal throw. Same thing for command throw vs command throw IMO. Need confirmation of that however.

^^ Perfect example for what I said. Reversals throws and reversal special moves that are unthrowable and/or hit on the first frame win because they can be done sooner than tick throws, as they take your character from one unthrowable state to another unthrowable state.

Thanks, blitzfu.

From what I understand, command throws only have priority over reversal throws if they happen on the same frame (same 1/60th of a second). So at lagless and extremely skilled levels of play maybe it’s easy to notice that command throws have priority. However, if you get you throw off before the command throw gets you, he will get thrown.

Dhalsim does have a huge throw range with his fierce, so maybe he managed to grab Zangief out of the startup of the command throw?

Anybody knows if old street fighers like champion edition have reversals? someone told me they dont, if not then u can do mindless throw loops in those games? :S

Already answered it in your original post.

I guess trying meaties and tick-throws against CE CPU makes it pretty clear, lol!

In WW it was true, every game after, no