Help with my tourney team

I’ve been working a lot on composing a good team for tournament play… but I’ve been having a lot of problems. So I figured I’d ask for some input from really good players. Please help me out?

I play C-groove, and so far my team is:
R1 Morrigan
R1 Cammy
R2 Chun-Li

I’m pretty good with Morrigan, but I know C isn’t her ideal groove. Same goes for Cammy, but to a lesser extent. Should I:

  1. Switch to K-groove, so as to maximize Cammy’s and Morrigan’s abilities, while shafting my R2 Chun-Li?
  2. Replace Morrigan with another character I’m good with (Mai, Ken, Athena)?

I’d appreciate any help; I’m really struggling. Thanks!

come on dude its stickied on top of the page