Help with ken?

I need help with learning some of his combos, and I wanna know if its possible to do a Kara throw with a pad, because I dont have a fight stick. I also have an issue with like combo nerves? I think I can call it that, but whenever I try to pull of a simpler combo I get nervous and cant keep it going. I play marvel a lot more than street fighter nowadays, and it seems easier on that game but it’s frustrating on ssf4

What combos do you need help with? The answer is most likely to just practice.

If you’re having nerve’s, it’s because you’re uncomfortable during those situations. Just practice and get comfortable through repetition.

You can Kara on a pad, buy you may have to use HK instead of MK at the cost of a tiny bit of forward movement.

I need help with the cr lk, cr lp, cr lp, I think it’s cr mk to a hurricane kick, and some other variations of that combo

You just need to practice.

If the cr.MK is blocked, do it earlier. If nothing comes out, do it later.

kara throw on a pad is extremely difficult from how tight the timing is, personally i gave up on for the time being, and yes Joutai is right so listen to him, just keep in mind hurricane kick is definitely not the safest thing in the world (i know thats obvious but i learned it the hard way so i always pass it on)

Just keep in mind if you’re trying to find combos that Cr. Mk is pretty much the ticket to everything

I recommend you to buy an arcade stick, Sanwa buttons and Sanwa or Seimitsu stick (they are more o less the same), it is not only the kara-throw witch is the best ken move, but also other karas (focus, srk, U2…) and of course, plinking, I think I would be horrible doings links without it, I almost do it everytime in my links.

If you like fighting games save some money a buy one :wink:

agreed i’m getting one for christmas i’m so hyped :smiley:

Hi, welcome to Street Fighter IV AE 2012 as Ken.

Just as Joutai has said about the combo, if it doesn’t come out, you’re doing it too fast. If you’re doing it too slow it won’t combo. Just sit in practice mode and tighten your execution.

As for kara throws, Ken has two ways to kara-anything. You can use toward-forward(your medium kick), which also gives the most distance, or you may use toward-roundhouse(heavy kick). When I used pad I was forced to use his toward-roundhouse.