Help with CC's for sagat

does anyone have CC’s for A-groove sagat they can share

yea tiger uppcut keep doing that cant remember if u walk with mp or hp well try both then do special


  • SAGAT -


DP+HP, CC… (anywhere)
(note: the follow-ups to this starter are quite limited. if not near the corner, you can pretty much only CC, Tiger Cannon High. if the DP connects within about 1/3 screen from corner, you can stand HP(f) and juggle with Tiger Shot High. in corner, you can do whatever you want)

Super Finishes:

Tiger Cannon High: QCF,QCF+P
2000, 4-hits, vs ground/air


The Ghetto Blaster (semi mid-screen)

crossup LK, LP©-HP© -> DP+HP, CC, HP(f) -> QCF+HPx11, QCF,QCF+P

7369 (tested vs A-Joe)
24-hits, +44 stun

If you are a little less than mid-screen distance from the corner and connect the crossup, you can easily CC, stand HP(f) -> QCF+HP’s. This combo is pretty ghetto looking, hence the name. It’s not even difficult. Just practice the timing for activation after the land.

Anti-Air Tiger Upper & Roll (anywhere)

CC, DP+LP, [DP+MP -> LP+LK]x2, DP+LP, [DP+MP -> LP+LK]x2, DP+MP-c.LK(whiff), c.HP -> QCF,QCF+P

8504 (tested vs A-Joe)
12-hits, +0 stun

You need relatively good timing to cancel the DP+MP into LP+LK roll. It’s not as hard as you’d think, just wait a split second after the DP+MP connects. You can take the opponent from well over mid-screen to corner by simply doing the above combo. For the final sequence, DP+MP and cancel it with a c.LK, then as the opponent falls, c.HP -> QCF,QCF+P. Not that hard once you get the timing down. You can substitute the middle DP+LP with a DP+MP. It changes the timing and difficulty of the combo a bit, but it changes the total damage to 8852.

Budget Ground Custom (anywhere)

CC, c.MK-c.HPx2-c.HK-HP(f) -> QCF,QCF+P

5880 (tested vs A-Joe)
9-hits, +0 stun

It’s definitely a budget custom, but since it starts with c.MK, it can be used in punishing situations if you need an easy 5500+ damage. The only tricky part is the final HP(f) -> QCF,QCF+P. Make sure you cancel it as fast as possible.

Alternate Ground Custom (anywhere)

CC, c.MK,c.HK,HP© -> LP+LK, DP+LP, [DP+MP -> LP+LK]x2, DP+LP, DP+MP -> LP+LK, DP+MP-c.MK(whiff), QCF,QCF+P

7528 (tested vs A-Joe)
13-hits, +0 stun

More damaging custom off a c.MK. It’s a but trickier to perform, but the extra damage can sometimes be exactly what you need. As with the other DP & Roll customs, the only real trick is to get the timing down on the cancels. Aside from that, it’s pretty easy.

Tiger Upper Combo -> Tiger Upper Custom (corner)

c.HK, HP© -> DP+HP, CC, DP+HPx4, QCF,QCF+P

8686 (tested vs A-Joe)
31-hits, +47 stun

This isn’t exactly a pretty custom, but it gets the job done. There aren’t any hard parts… this combo is cake. Just make sure you time the Tiger Cannon (QCF,QCF+P) correctly at the end.

Variation: Crossup Tiger Upper Combo -> Tiger Upper Custom (corner)

crossup LK, LP©-HP© -> DP+HP, CC, DP+HPx4, QCF,QCF+P

8341 (tested vs A-Joe)
32-hits, +44 stun

Basically the same combo as the one above, except starting with a crossup combo starter. In order for this to work, you have to crossup with LK while jumping out of the corner. That way, your opponent will get pushed back into the corner and you can easily follow-up.

The Most Budget “Custom” Ever (anywhere)

crossup LK, LP©-HP© -> DP+HP, CC, HP(f) -> QCF,QCF+P

6469 (tested vs A-Joe)
13-hits, +44 stun

This is, without a doubt, the most budget custom ever. It’s actually quite tricky to get the HP(f) to connect with the Tiger Cannon. Just make sure you cancel the far HP as fast as possible. OMG budget!

another one for the corner is c.hpx3,, s.hp, dp+mk, dp+hpx2, dp+lk, qcfx2+p. Don’t know if this does more damage than the other ones or not but it is easy to do and looks good.

Mid Screen:
activate, standing close hp, HP SRK, HK Tiger-Knee (corner), st.hp x’s 5 xx lvl one super.

I’ll get the damage for it later.


might i suggest using sagat without cc’s in mind?

i think he’ll be better off using his supers to apply pressure and mega damage. a combo’d tiger cannon does about half the damage of one of his cc’s.