Help with a combo

I’m trying to learn to Launch/Combo from Sent-a outside of the corner. Anyone got any ideas?

I know that cr. hp launcher won’t work outside the corner, or I don’t dash fast enough so that it does.

Can you sjc of of Doom’s standing or crouching mp? I know if you could, I could do something with that easily.

I don’t know of df + hk launcher, but that would probably work if I could dash up to them fast enough, since it is faster than the cr. hp launcher.

Any help will be appreciated guys.

dash in either launcher, df+hk is easier.

d+lk+sent-a, d+lk (rocket punch hits), dash in df+hk, sj. lk, sj lp, sj.rhXXair dash forward, super photon array XX HSF, launch, dead opponent

(dash in df+hk, sj. lk, sj lp, sj.rhXXair dash forward, super photon array) instead of this part i would do dash in sj xx into,mk super photon array it kinda puts them at a better height to do the HSF so you can launch and do a unfly combo with sent.