Help w/ Xbox360 PCB

This is the version of the wired controller I have.
Apparently it has a different wiring system than the previous version of the same controller. All I know is that it’s a “common line” or “common signal” setup instead of a common ground setup. But thats about all I know really. I have no idea what that means or how it works really, which is why I’ve been reviving this thread like crazy.

I used the new “common line” controller in my last stick. I know it prob wont help but heres a pic

Treat the “common line” as a common “ground”

Ill be honest, it was a pain in the ass as the solder points are very tiny but the results were worth it cause there arent as many wires to hook up.

heres the first stick I made using the old version that didnt have a common line

notice the difference? lol

Ya really don’t want to treat that CL controller like it has a common ground. In the respect that the ‘common line’ needs to go to half of every button just like a common ground setup yes, but the common line in that controller has 1.8v on it and ya don’t really want to refer or think of it as ‘ground’ at all. Just some FYI. :wink:

Which one is the common line, and where do i attach it to my button? Does it have to be attached to every button. What I’ve been doing up to now is treating each button as if it were like the original kind of controller. Each button had a Signal contact and a Ground contact. I put a wire on each of these spots and ran it to the Arcade stick buttons and they work just fine as far as i can tell. Only problem is i tore off one of the “ground” contacts (or whatever it is). Still haven’t the slightest idea what I’m supposed to do. Come to think of it the way I wired mine up is completely different from yours. I have two wires attached to the PCB for each button. You have one for each and an extra for the “common” I’m assuming (wherever that is). Do i need to change mine or what? I also see that you have one wire that connects to your PCB at both ends, whats that all about?

hey RDC whats up man… dont know if you remember me but I used to lurk around xbox-scene under grav1ty_718

I was just trying to explain that it could be used to connect to one side of each of the buttons. You’re right though, def not a ground.

maybe this will help… forgive my horrible ps skills

Hey Domz, Yeah I remember ya, I’ve been stuffing PS3 controllers in 360 shells and even have the Wired 360 controller fit into a PS3 shell now. Nice wiring job on those sticks also. :wink:

@ Blackblurr -

The ‘common line’ is TP4, TP36 or TP37, take your pick they’re the all the same.

One side of every button will go to either of these TP spots. Best thing to do is run a wire from TP36 or TP37 to one of your buttons, then from that button to the next and so on until all of them have that TP36 connection on one side of them, but NOT the ones that will be LT or RT, get to that in a second.

Then the other side of the arcade sticks button just needs to go to the corresponding TP spot on the controller. Like for A you would run a wire from TP39 to the button you want to be A in the arcade stick.

The Triggers MUST be done differently if ya plan to use those. One side of the button in the arcade stick will go to Ground for them, the other side will go to the TP spot for whichever Trigger. Like Ground and TP9 connected to one of your arcade stick buttons will be RT when it is pressed.

TP4 - Common Line for Buttons
TP6 - LED D1, D2, D3, D4 + (power)
TP9 - LT
TP10 - RT
TP24 - LED D3 -
TP25 - LED D1 -
TP26 - LED D4 -
TP27 - LED D2 -
TP32 - DL
TP33 - DU
TP34 - DR
TP35 - DD
TP36 - Common Line for Buttons
TP37 - Common Line for Buttons
TP38 - Y
TP39 - A
TP40 - Start
TP41 - Back
TP42 - Guide
TP43 - B
TP44 - X
TP100 - GND
TP101 - GND
TP102 - GND

Thanks for the props on the wiring. Controllers suffering from identity crisis eh? Your modding skills were always on point, would love to see some pix of em :slight_smile:

I don’t want to jack Blackblurr’s thread, but here are links to a pic of each of the ‘guts’ of the PS360 and 3PS60 ones, plenty more at XS, Acid Mods and MaxConsole on the controller alterations I’ve been up to. :wink:

How’s it going there Blackblurr? Between the pic and description ya getting the hang of it yet?

Awesome, that clears a whole lot up for me but I still have one more question (finally). What about the buttons I still have wired up in the front? They each have one wire going from each of the contact points for each button (two per button). Will they be ok like that or should I just do it all on the back through the TP points?

If they’re working just leave them as they are, sounds like ya have yer hands full enough right now without having to go tearing stuff back out and redoing it. :wink:

Sweet! Thanks a ton Domz and RDC. I finally have a good I idea of what I need to do. You guys rock…

You’re Welcome

Just felt like you guys deserved to know… I DID IT! AND IT WORKS!! Thanks to everyone who contributed… seriously couldn’t have done it without your help. Wo0t!

awesome man… glad it worked out for ya

feels good eh? :woot:

Feels great man.