hey guys, so my roommate is getting an XOne on black Friday, and me as a good roommate and poor fighting game lover, am willing to help him get the right games for the system. and by that i mean i’m trying to convince him on buying KI so i can play for free lol
but the pricing of the game is really confusing. we want to have access to all characters basically.
from what I understand, the pricing goes:
CBs1 : 20 dollars for all characters in season 1
UEs1: 40 dollars for all characters in season 1 + extra stuff (costumes and KI classic)
CBs2: 20 dollars for all characters in season 2
UEs2: 40 dollars for all characters in season 2 + extra stuff (costumes and KI 2)
so, in order to get all characters (from both seasons) do we have to buy the 2 20 dollar packs? the extra stuff is not important right now (it will be once i get my own xbone) or do we get all season 1 characters if we buy season 2?
basically: what is the cheapest way to get all available characters (s1+s2+future s2) right now?