Wait until they’re about to hit the floor
sorry about the recording difficulties Pokey. When do you think things will be operational again?
^^Well, i’ll have to get a new DVD player… It’s annoying because my old DVD+RW are still working, but they’re so overused that they record broken fragments now. i’ve tried 3 brands of RW & they’re all not playing. Still i’ll let you know when i get it sorted^^
Here’s Adon, i’m not to savvy on the match up so i tried to keep it all as factual as possible, some notes at the bottom of stuff i have to check, also anyone feels there’s something i should add, then let me know.
Added a few new small additions to the guide
in “Focus fighting” added a brief analsys of the application of Focus attack in the match-up. (noting the opponents one where necessary, Say Fei long for example)
in “Moves & Specials” added a “Notable Normals” section which lists the opponent strongest/most useful normals.
In “Match-Up” section added a for & Against section displaying key points to the fight.
All these have been added to the Abel guide.
Stomp Sets
B&B1: No
**B&B2: **MP SRK only - Must not Tanden before.
Corner: Simple
Tanden Bonus
Link to stand fierce after 2 light attacks
B&B2: LP SRK only
Focus Fighting
**Seth Striking: **Always
Seth Evading: Far
- Adon can break Focus’s with ease, if you have a habit of using it to often, now’s the time to stop. Only viable time to use it is when the opponent is spamming Air Jaguar kicks & you’re struggling to punish them.
Bonus Safe-Jump Set Ups
Back Throw (Mid Screen) – Wall Jump
Post Hyakaretsu – Double Wall Jump (Fast Wake-up only)
Moves - Specials & Counters
*** - Moves with this at the end are viable wake-up options.**
**Jaguar Kick – **Adons pressure tool, -3 on block, punishable with LP SPD but in most cases you’re not close enough to make use of this, also breaks armour, stand LK is useful for counterpoking after block, can punish on reaction with SRK or EX Legs, however timing is tight.
**EX – **Projectile Immune, hits twice, hits overhead, travels half screen, safe on block, if it hits once, Adon can follow up with Stand HK or Rising Jaguar. Also causes untechable knockdown if hit on the gorund.
Air Jaguar Kick – Neutral Jump MK can cancel in to this, leading to combos on hit. If opponent uses this too often, consider focus baiting this, as it doesn’t break armour. (Backdash if he doesn’t bite, focus is not a good option in this fight.)
**EX – **Hits twice, projectile immune, Untechable knockdown on ground hit, very fast
*Rising Jaguar – *5 Frame start-up with good invincibility, very punishable, but HK version crosses up when Blocked close.
EX – HP SRK OS’s can still beat or trade with this, crosses up if blocked close.
**Jaguar Tooth – **Almost always safe on block, HK version can lead to combo opportunities, EX Legs is a good reaction punish if you’re mid-screen, stand MP or Stand LP can stuff this safely, but may trade. (Not in your favour) Reaction punish with Ultra 1 at all times.
**EX – **A lot faster. Projectile immune, punishable on block with SRK/SPD/Stand LP (2 Frame) at any range but full screen. On hit, he can juggle in corner with Stand HK, SRK or Ultra 2, Ultra 1 can juggle after this at all times.
**Super – **Adon doesn’t rely heavily on meter, so his super is fairly common, can buffer it in Crouch MP for long range pokes, leading to 500+ damage. Thousand Jaguars (Hundred Hand Slap) does very good Chip damage & is awkward to punish.
Ultra 1 – Punishes projectiles from nearly full screen for very heavy damage, can also punish forward jump anywhere on screen for around 200 Damage, as well as punishing a blocked Far HP on Reversal.
Ultra 2 – Very poor damage, but gives Adon a much needed boost in damage output, so still a good Ultra. Comboable from FADC’d rising Jaguar, or EX Jaguar Tooth near corner. This is massively punishable on block, though it crosses up so bear that in mind. Also worth noting this will beat an SRK if you attempt to chip kill him.
Notable Normals
- Far standing HK is a very strong poking tool, hits twice, hits juggled opponents, massive push back, above average meter gain, above average damage, great priority… Incredibly annoying, probably one of the best normals in the game.
- Close HP good use for frame traps, good damage & works as a hit confirm.
- Crouch MP, staple combo ender & good range.
- Crouch HK, fast, strong & safe sweep sets up Adons cross-up game.
- Neutral Jump HK, Instant overhead often used on wake-up, hard to punish.
Viable Option Selects
**OS Sweep – **Beats Backdash & Rising Jaguar, Adon has very few wake-up options.
- Adon has a relatively bad wake-up game, prone to safe jumps & Cross ups.
- Buffering Ultra 1 punishes a lot of Adons
tools. (Jaguar Tooth/Jaguar Kick) - Adons combos & Hit confirms don’t deal a great amount of damage
- Excellent poking game, Stand HK alone can beat Seth
- Shuts down Focus baiting well.
- Has good meter gain & chip damage pressure
- Very strong corner pressure Jaguar kick beats Seth’s corner escapes well.
- Very awkward jump angle/speed, also has a lot of Instant Overhead set-ups.
- Ultra 1 punishes Far HP on block.
- Unusually effective Tick throws
Adon POV
Adon’s primary aim is to keep you mid-range & poking you out with superior normal, feinting enough attacks to make his close range entry more effective/ambiguous. (feinting air jaguars, then ground jaguaring in) Jaguar kick chip damage is like poison over time & works at pushing you to the corner, once there Seth’s options become severely limited, his combos are relatively weak, so he’s more than happy to keep out poking/Chipping you all day. EX Jaguar Kick punishes projectiles very well & Ultra 1 punishes sonic booms on reaction & Far HP on block. Besides EX Jaguar kick, Adon has very little reason to use Meter.
Seth POV
You can pressure with projectiles quite easily when he does have meter, try & keep the fight mid screen, avoid the corner at all costs. Neutral jump can punish Jaguar tooth well, (Wall kick) but can be beaten by Jaguar Kick quite easily. Ultra 1 shuts down a lot of Adon’s pressure tricks & keeps him honest, also has a poor wake-up game so abuse the knockdowns as best you can, Adon himself isn’t to good when cornered, so try & keep him there.