Help needed in landing Legion super after basic AC


Kinda frustrated that I can’t consistently land the Legion super after his basic AC string (sj.m, sj.m, sj.h, sj. s (land), Legion). Sometimes, I could connect it fluidly. Half of the time, the opponent could get up and be able to block/SJ away.

I noticed that he takes a bit of time to actually land from the AC; for instance, with Nemesis, I easily can do his basic AC string and SITLL be able to land and do his rocket launcher super. Not so with Strider (at least in my case).

The best I could do, is dash and then follow up with a slide attack or have wesker low shot assist me for another AC.

Any tips on being able to (consistently) land Legion after the basic AC string?


do mm double jump h s, after the double jump strider land way more faster

Please use the existing threads to ask questions. There’s a combo thread thread stickied. :tup: