Help me learn the ropes and spread the word!

hey all names Dan
Just moved to Framingham MA, love SF.
Not much of a 3s, sfhd or anything out here atm, trying to change that. This post is for 2 things:

1: Anyone in the Boston area whose willing to contact me and talk SF and help me prepare GameUniverse (the store I work for) Ready for the new fighting games.

We have pretty big Soul Cal IV Tournaments, huge SSBB, importing Cap vs Tats in Decmber, I always am willing to take a break for SF3s and basically just to talk about games.

  1. General meetings of fighting games. Anyone who knows how to run tournaments can give me tips that be great. Helping spread the word so when we get in Cap vs Tats and SFIV console I can run sucessful tournaments.

Thanks everyone!