Help me choose a character

I just bought alpha anthology and I’m wondering who I should play. I’m a big fan of rushdown, but not to the point where I don’t enjoy playing other styles as much. However, I do dislike playing turtle.

I play Balrog/Ryu in SF2, Dudley/Makoto in SF3, Magneto Storm Sent in MvC2, Sol/Faust in GGXX#, and Doc/Peach Smash Bros. (unrelated?)

I initially chose Sagat/Adon because I thought they looked cool, but are they suited at all to rushdown? They seem pretty good, rushdown or not. Perhaps Adon less so, but what do you guys think?

Normally I’d say these kinds of topics are a waste of time, but since you asked for a specific type of character:

I wouldn’t call Adon a rushdown character. His main problem is lack of damage. He doesn’t really have anything to combo into and his reversal doesn’t hit crouching opponents.

Sagat is sort of like Ryu and Ken where he’s balanced in all areas. His tiger knee does offer him an easier way to advance though, and c. FP is still really good if not quite as godly as its CvS2 counterpart. You’d probably be ok with him.

Some other characters with good rushdown ability:

V-Akuma (Self explanatory. You don’t even really have to think when you activate with him, since he has one of the easiest unblockable set-ups in the game. Back+RH is godly, as is his hopkick. Plus, he has a lot of 50-50 BS with his dive kick)
V-Ryu (Akuma Jr. Lacks the dive kick, demonflip and nasty VC’s, but still has all his other tools, plus a really great corner VC)
A-Guy (Risky to play him like this, but he’s very good at overwhelming an opponent with offense. Daigo likes to play his Guy this way)
A-Gen (Lots of chain variety, fast, high priority pokes, a multi-hit chip move, nasty corner trap, etc)
V-Sakura (Back FP, s. RH, c. LK and cross-up of doom. Very good at locking people down in the corner as well)
A/V-Chun’ (She has stupid amounts of priority and she walks fast as hell, so you can just blow through most people’s offense/defense)
A-Boxer (Great rushdown ability, but expect to trade a lot, and he doesn’t have a whole lot of options)

V-Karin can be decent offensively if you can link her chains well.
V-Birdie can be as well if you’re good at keeping multiple bull horns charged.
V-Cody has a great corner trap, but he’s very fragile, and he’s not so great fighting at mid-screen. If you get knocked down, you could be in a lot of trouble since it’s relatively easy to guard crush him.

Balrog again? he actually is a good rush character in a3

Thanks for the answers guys. I’ll try out the characters you suggested and see which ones I get on with best.

A/V - Dhalsim…

Charlie is a good offense character, with good defense to go along with it. I think he has among the absolute best rushdown in the game.

charlies a charge character, in my opinion most charge characters are better suited for a more…defensive style of play, punishing stupid mistakes and attempts.