Well 3vs3 is at least close to the ratio system. Playing best of 3 or 5 with single characters is just a sagat and sakura fest.
cvs2 forever. evo staff is out of their fucking mind of they are thinking about taking it out. half the evo crowd probably plays cvs2. there is nothing new in ANY game,deal with it.
We are holding a cvs2 tournament in norcal this saturday. If anyone wants to check it out and support the scene here is more info:
I’m going to evo this year and i would love to play cvs2 there with the best.
I honestly would hope that they don’t take out CVS2 from Evo, because much like alot of people it would DEFINITELY deter people from attending or even buying the Evo DVD’s.
i suggest that if evo doesnt have cvs2 then we all make the games last super long , try to tie the first game then play the rest normal
i personally think a team 3v3 tournament for cvs2 would be fucking tight for evo…it would make things…“more exciting” for people who think it is getting stale…
im outi
anyone here from NYC? i just started playing this week and went down to ChinaTown Fair to get it on in cvs2 and it was fucking awesome, even though i got beat up pretty badly, the battles were fierce and the people there were really cool and nice. some dudes were giving me tips and stuff because i told them i was new to cvs2 i had an awesome time. and i plan on going their just about every fri and sat. so you can make havent gone there and your from somewhere close to NY your missing out on some nice comp for ya. ima noobie but im going to get better so if you ever want to go send me a PM and i ll give ya my # so we can chill together. i ll be bringing my camera to start recording matches unless the players dont want me to =).
dont let this awesome game die its up to us to save it =D.
the games not dieing, evo staff just doesn’t wanna run it at the tourney. I’ll be supporting cvs2 at evo east playing on the extra tv’s since thats about the only game i play the most.
I’m glad to see you guys trying to keep cvs2 alive over where you guys are at. it’s really hard over here to get cvs2 going over here. No one plays it anymore. All of the chicago crew dropped it like flies( when roll cancel debuted, other games, etc). Hell, its rare to even get games in over here( chicago scene= DEAD!!!). All they play is GGAC and some Third Stike.(and thats when they feel like playing). And if you wanna learn these games they even want to charge you for hour sessions. Instead of help the community out, they butcher it. Some motivation huh. Cvs2 was the first game that got me into the fighting game scene. Now that evo is pondering its exsistance in EVO X, it looks like chicago will be a GGAC charge you by the hour dead zone. Cvs2 is on an oxygen tank overhere. they only time it gets a breath of life is when outsiders come and play. If any cvs2 players feel like comming out chicago, your more than welcome to come( no joke!!!). The only place I know where Cvs2 gets most of its playing time is in Cali. hopefully I can go over there and get some comp.
yeah cvs2 alive. cool. i’m thrilled.
it’s all well and good that you want it to stay alive, but if people really want to keep it that way then you have to get used to the same people in the winner’s brackets every year. unfortunately, i think the fact that the top-tier players continue to get top-tier rewards with little or no variation is discouraging to new players who might think of going to evo.
it’s not the fault of any top-tier player, and it shouldn’t be. if anything, it’s a limitation of the game’s environment, and the unwillingness of some of its competitors to try something new and branch out from the combo videos, and the match videos and take their gaming seriously. that’s the only hurdle that cvs2 has to overcome, and frankly i’m not sure that it can.
i mean all things considered i think cvs2 is one of the more balanced 2d fighters still on the major scene. out of 44 characters most are usable true some are overpowering but when you think about the numbers its not bad in marvel there are 56 but you can only use 5 as point characters(if you wanna win) then a handful of assists. like i said before if its the running time thats the problem change up the system don’t get rid of the game…instead of doing pools where everyone plays each other just have single match ups out of ten ppl have them play 2 of 3 each losers fight losers in a sudden death match it would definitely add to the drama. Even though cvs2 probably has the most drama and the closest matches of all the other 2d’s out there
Soda…keep at it man we all had to start somewhere i have only been playing for a little more than a year and i can keep up with some of the best who still play regularly there…Ace, Troopa, COB, too bad justin wong doesn’t play casually on fridays that much.
so judgement day is rapidly aproaching gentlemen, what are we going to do if CVS doesn’t make it to EVO this year? do you think we could possibly start a campaign to get it back on for next year? i know its not official yet, but i think that if we don’t make it, we should start from now to try and get it back on the EVO roster
no reason to panic yet
We panic on the day Wiz announces the last game.
Ugh, not good. They say how they don’t want to do CVS2 because of time? It probably takes just as long to do Smash, especially with all the people that come and especially since Brawl makes matches longer. Doesn’t it even out? You might as well as take Brawl out and leave in CVS2 then, plus it’s less people and the same people who play third strike and such, so it’d be easier to manage.
It takes longer to do Smash.
but most importantly, SMASH = $$$.
I highly doubt ST will be taken out, especially if HD comes out in time. Too many OGs love the game, and it draws good numbers, and matches last usually 20 seconds.
U guys know this since I assume most of u went to EVO, how popular was ggxx? no good chance it would be left out right?
edit: I just remembered that ST has a high chance of being ousted due to not having any perfect arcade versions on console or something along those line…so I guess it depends on when HD comes out really.
you people have so little faith
I Have Faith !!!
I Have Faith !!!
Ok start panicing
Im guessing you have inside sources then.