Help keep CVS2 alive and in EVO X

oh yea, also personally alot of the combos are tricky, you really need to abuse the negative edge aspect to get good and alot of the b&b’s need alot of practice.
that strictness turned off alot of 3s people i know. shit i have trouble with it.

practice practice

what do you have trouble with?

well getting down negative edge focused stuff like

which obviously goes f,d/f,d+hk,d/b,b,hcb+P
i can do it its just tricky and so are a lot of combos/links in the game alot of people are turned off by that

I need to learn how to play CvS2, hopefully I’ll be at your house this Sunday shoo. CvS2 is my favorite fighting game right now. I’m still trying to learn how to rc stuff. I get the concept and I know how you are supposed to do it, just gotta get the execution part down with more practice.

I’ve never played this game (trying to learn ST right now) but what’s one more game right? I’ll try and take a trip to an arcade or something, and start playing this game. I think I know of a couple arcades. I won’t be at Evo, but I’ll do something to keep this game alive. It’s funny. I probably wouldn’t have been posting here if it weren’t for randomly looking thorugh Youtube at Street Fighter games. Anyway, that’s how I got interested. Now all I have to do is play the game, and get it out there.

Ice Bomb

P.S Anything I can do to learn this game? Because I won’t draw too many people to it if I play and lose to everyone cause I don’t even know the moves.

shoryuken is your best resource. Throughout these forums you’ll find a lot of information from which moves are the best to use, to exact frame and damage data. On youtube you can find videos called “tricks of the trade” by djb-13 that will give you basic ideas of how to use characters.

Thanks UCR. I’ll check everything out. I’m not really getting into ST that well so I might try this game.

Ice Bomb

Cvs2 is still the number 1 game in Montreal! Were prolly coming to evo too

Dang and here I was starting to learn this game. I find CvS2 to be a great game even if it does take a long time to run. Whatever, I’m still going to play it.

Aye same here. I’m going to learn to play and then maybe one day play the SoCal peeps here :rock:

Anyone up to anything?

Wow, at least you guys get to fight for your game… Some of the fighting games i played by myself were purely because of kick ass match videos that i saw (VF4evo, DOA). I know it’s sad but what the hey.

Here in the Philippines it’s all Tekken. I am quite sick of it really.

I really do hope that CVS2 gets revived for the online craze. If not i hope that it would be emulated with mame soon for kaillera.

If it wasn’t for online KOF 98 and SSF2T for kaillera i would have stopped fighting games all together.

Go CVS2 community!!!


PS. - If you learned all those A-groove combos don’t let CVS2 die! Fight for you right to “party”!


Wow, I just started playing the game. It seems like the rather more balanced fighter out there plus I love the fact that it is long. After all, when one gets his ass handed to him over and over again at the arcades, its important to waste as little quarters as possible.

i hate when ppl say there is nothing new in cvs2 …there’s nothing new in marvel or 3s its hard to have anything new in a game that is seven years old…the thing that kills cvs2 is the running time which i agree is a pain in the ass …because it reloads for every character but there is no reason it shouldn’t be at evo…maybe make players outside of the top ten qualify in regionals or something

How about just qualify in regionals for all?
Just curious.

I already gave a perfect solution for CVS2 in the Evolution thread…

If you posted to switch to single matches, I doubt it’d work out. CvS2 since its release has been designed around picking characters that work off each other, especially in C and A groove. When you take away character synergy, the whole tier system goes to shit and you end up with 50,000 blankas and sagats with the occasional cammy and sakura. It definitely would not work out very well and you’d have a game of rock paper scissors.

Also, certain grooves would become super weak and some would become dominant. K-Groove is pretty much the best 1vs1 groove because it builds meter the fastest and has the best returns. A-groove gets a ton weaker cause you either have to go nuts, or whiff a ton to build enough meter to CC. C and N are in the middle cause both build meter at a steady rate but you won’t exactly be throwing level 3’s left and right.

Again, if you play CvS2, it’s either the ratio system or it just plain sucks.

We put the machine on Single Match with the YAMAOOUT password, and we found out that Honda, Haohmaru, and Yamazaki in K-Groove are top tier to where they are almost Third Strike Gill status!!!

Personally I prefer 3vs3 instead of the ratio system, but that’s just me.