So I got an SE from a friend, however, the USB is almost falling off the pcb itself due to I guess, many attempts to re-solder it. And the little holes the wires on USB used to be at are pretty much destroyed and beyond recognition, doesn’t even look like holes.
Anyway, I was wondering if anyone knew the solder points on the actual pcb so I can try to get it to work. I’d replace it with a cthulu but I’m strapped for cash for Evo.
EDIT: Updated with pictures. Also, got a hold of my friend, he said that before he messed around with it, if you held a button, the turbo light would flicker for about a second or two.
Wow, my friend told me red, white, green, fat, thin. -____-. Can anyone else confirm which one is correct? I’m hoping Sabbath is. I don’t trust my friend, he’s a bit on the “duurrr” side.
EDIT: The pcb is in worse shape than I thought. The contact points around the holes the usb wires are soldered to are missing. Anyone know where else on the pcb I can solder the usb cord to?
Lol, I hope so. But at the moment, I can’t even re-solder them, the contact points are missing. My only hope is to solder them directly on to the pcb itself.
test to see if the connection is still there. use a multimeter. go buy desodering braid so you can DEsolder the contact point ($4 at radioshack won’t break your trip to evo). and once you clean up the solder, try again, use less solder this time. don’t leave the soldering iron on the pcb for too long, it will burn the contact point. close up (larger as well) pix of the usb point on the pcb would be nice.
Thanks, but one slight problem… the contact points itself is missing, as in, they’ve been ripped off. My only chance is to solder to the actual lines the lead from one point to the now missing contact.
Alos, what is the correct wiring order? Are the PS3 and 360 the same, and does anyone have a clean close-up shot of the pcb? It would help since mine is dirty and messed up.