In a world, where an otaku took his love of japan too far…
From the producers of the twilight saga and sword art online come a story about Travis Mac, a Floridian otaku who gets mixed up with Chi, an oriental MILF of three. After agreeing to go to didney world with her, he accidentally seduces her with his fabled mac and cheese recipe. The tension between them quickly turns sexual as he pollinates the cherry blossom in his bed. Now Chi wants some commitment, and Travis Mac goes from being the suducer to the suducee. Travis Mac places the fate of his future in the hands of SRK. Will he turn into a beta male, or a playah? Find out early 2017 in…
Rated R for strong language, sexual themes, and substance abuse.
He is thinking about taking her to Disney World. Telltale signs of severe mental illness.
Bitch has 3 kids the same age of the OP, probably all practioners of karaoke or whatever MMA.
She had bad eye sight and is an introvert, OP got her in the sack on 2nd kinda date. Shes either a victim of rape or Stockholm syndrome by this point. Or he is, complains alot about his feels.
Shes old and studying for an advanced degree outside of her country, obvious Yakuza setup. Ive seen this kinda thing before in 89, cops still trying to identify the bodies.
OP enjoys spending a hella lot of time around this chick outside of sex. Insecure enough about the size of his piece to mention several year gap in relationships.
The dude needs help, we may just save this mans life.
@Travis2310 please confirm caucasian status, I dont really wanna be wasting my time here. :tup:
Your big flaw was letting her stay there when you had no feelings for her otherwise. Japanese women tend to move warp speed on any signal that Senpai noticed her.
I don’t care what type of MILF she is, Japanese women go loco once they even think they’re going to see the cack. Right now, there’s no way you’re going to be able to let her down without breaking her heart.
Only dick you’re riding here is your stupid ass riding Asian ladyboy dick, you thirsty piece of cow shit.
Can’t read a damn thread without your incompetent ass shitposting about some flat, ugly Asian bitch. Would be better off you spoiler tag your worthless posts, but nope, everybody gotta waste time scrolling past your dumb shitposts.
Move to Thailand and hang yourself during some kinky sex shit with ladyboys David Carradine style.
Edit: Keep forgetting you can ignore more than 5 people now. Bye, phagget