Hey all I got my ass handed to me playing against Sent (ground)/BHeart (anti air)/Cable.
I use iceman/strider/doom as my main team which I realize is not the greatest but I enjoy playing it.
I could not get past his Sent. He chipped me like mad and I could not stuff both him and the blackheart assist.
Any ideas on how to tackle that team using the iceman team above?
Thanks in advance!
If you can… try to use S/D vs. Sent, and use Iceman for Cable. Sent is a horrible matchup for Iceman, where he has a couple of small advantages vs. Cable (no chip on beams; maybe grenades too but not sure).
BH shouldn’t be too big a deal. Not sure if HOD chips Iceman, but I’m pretty sure Infernos don’t. Don’t let him build up an assload of meter if you can help it. (super-)Jump out of the HOD if you can. Standard gameplan.
50 its something I am learning all too well
Yeah, 50 is right. I had forgotten about that.