Help a fellow Noob!

Anyone know any good guides on MvC2, I’ve honestly really wanted to try it out for a while, and now that I got my new TE stick, I’m dying. I was wondering how everyone else got so good, and give me some tips, strategies, maybe even walk me through on a basis of how to play and what not.


i think the best way is to just go in the training room and experiment and playing people that are better than you. learn the moves of your character so you know them like the back of your hand. also watching other people play and trying to emulate some of the moves helps. try that

I’m new to the fighting game genre and need help also. I’ll probably be playing Halo Reach more often because I’m a competitive Halo player and MLG Dallas is coming up. But, in my free time I want to learn fighting games, because they have always been my downfall in the multi game tourneys me and my friends hold.

GT: X9 Ecks Nine