Hi, everyone. I’ve been watching from afar for awhile now and have saw your community grow to be something pretty spectacular and I always thought to myself “why can’t other parts of the gaming community be like this?” Yes, I’ve see my fair of drama happening in this community as well, but that is almost like hindsight in the end. What I saw was a family. A family of people who want nothing more than their genre to grow and flourish. I want to be apart of this. People may call me a bandwagoner, but I love video games, I’m starting to truly fall for fighting games and I really wanna give this a shot.
Now, to the actual point of this thread, I’m a relatively young guy. I’ve played fighting games casually for years and I’ve had fun, but never really understood that there was a deeper level to these games until I discovered streams and SRK. Needless to say again, I’m in love. So to my first newbie question guys and it may be the noobiest of them all and I half expect to get eaten alive for it, but here it goes. Where do I start? Do I jump in at AE or maybe wait it out for a different series like SF x Tekken? Thanks.
tl;dr Should I start with AE or wait for a new series like SF x Tekken to get into the community?