I just got street fighter last week on PC and im new to street fighter. Ive been lurking the forums and guides learning to play.
I tried to do some online play and first off, im horrible, second im finding it hard to play due to massive, weirdish, lag.
I benchmark the game at 190fps with graphics at max and when i play vs my roomate offline i get no lag.
I try to play online and i get everything in slow motion, like its horrible. Its not input lag but like everything is sloooooow. Anyone know what that could be from?
I play other games like BF3 on ultra with 60 fps no problem so its not my rig, and i have comcast business class for internet…
For real, it’s most likely that either your opponents can’t run the game well, their connection is bad, or random internet bullshit giving you a bad connection to each other for no logical reason (this actually happens sometimes).
no, wasn’t my intention to be. but you probably played games before online so it shouldn’t be a surprise that they can and will be lag issues.
and in the case of sf4 this can result in slowdowns. try to play against opponents in your region… nothing more I can suggest.