Hell new here and this is my first post, im having an issue tho

I just got street fighter last week on PC and im new to street fighter. Ive been lurking the forums and guides learning to play.

I tried to do some online play and first off, im horrible, second im finding it hard to play due to massive, weirdish, lag.

I benchmark the game at 190fps with graphics at max and when i play vs my roomate offline i get no lag.
I try to play online and i get everything in slow motion, like its horrible. Its not input lag but like everything is sloooooow. Anyone know what that could be from?

I play other games like BF3 on ultra with 60 fps no problem so its not my rig, and i have comcast business class for internet…

The netcode is just that bad. Sorry.

For real, it’s most likely that either your opponents can’t run the game well, their connection is bad, or random internet bullshit giving you a bad connection to each other for no logical reason (this actually happens sometimes).

what do you mean netcode? i watch people on their streams and they dont seem to have this slow motion bug.

really, are you serious?

server/client communication is my guess. No need to be a dick breh.

no, wasn’t my intention to be. but you probably played games before online so it shouldn’t be a surprise that they can and will be lag issues.
and in the case of sf4 this can result in slowdowns. try to play against opponents in your region… nothing more I can suggest.


Have you checked through this other link? You might find the answer to your problems here.

thanks for info i will read through that thread :smiley:

Not a problem.

when do you usually stream? kinda off topic but i see your stream link

I have a AE PC tournament coming up on Friday night. If anything, I’m usually streaming random games during the week.

ill check it out this week

For sure. Quite a few heavy hitters on AE PC will be coming out for this so you’ll end up seeing some high level play.

Disable vsync, apply ‘fixed’ frame rate setting in the game options.

did the steps and played 2 games last night, no weird slow motion, awesome, thanks