"HEAVEN (?)"
by RYU BLACK feat: Mariannie & junclassic
Download: http://tinyurl.com/yatxhqd

“Heaven (?)” is the 2nd single off the upcoming “Perfect ?” album by RYU BLACK set to release in 2010. This song features Canadian songstress Mariannie and South Side Queens’ lyrical powerhouse “junclassic”

Download: http://tinyurl.com/yatxhqd

RYU BLACK (aka MeccaGodzilla) is a producer, emcee and a graphic artist from the lost borough #6 Long Island, New York. Enjoy the 1st single titled “Chun Li” here: http://soundcloud.com/meccagodzilla

Check out the photos from japan… just a few from the last trip… enjoy the music!


oh hey when did woof cum back waves

This is really quite, amazing.

This is some really good stuff.

See Dr.B, this is how you’re supposed to do it.

This track is chill. Keep blowing it up like you know. :tup:

tooo good man too good. and not just in some srk “HEY he referenced my game” kinda way

this is good ass hiphop by any standard.

Thank you!

Wow… I’m humbled by the feedback…seriously. Thank you so much for that.

Yo…Did you hear some of the “Capcom” Game titles that me and junclassic flipped in the verses?? :cybot:

Special Offer
If you think you can identify at least 3 game titles that me and junclassic quoted in our verses, post your replies here… I will mail you a calendar from my home girl Miss Amasian: http://tinyurl.com/ycx5re5 she gave me extra :smokin:

Do you think was Heaven good enough to the point you want to hear more? I promise I won’t spam you either haha… email me here:

I am almost done with the album :wink: I got more for sure… feel free to write me!
-Ryu Black aka MeccaGodZilla


Resident Evil
Marvel Superheroes
Final Fight

Just listened to both. ON POINT! I can listen to this all day.

Had to download them. Perfect music to fight against.

2:22 Devil May Cry
1:16 MEgaman
1:17 REsident Evil

Nice… Very nice indeed…

Very nice stuff can’t wait to hear the rest of the tracks :slight_smile:

Woah, pretty cool stuff and i am not too fan of hip-hop, good work.

Siiiick man, I will 100% for sure give this a listen as soon as I’m able.

Yo get this dude to perform at EVO next year!

Holy crap, I came in here not expecting much but I was floored, this is really great man. Hats off to you, as I am very picky with my hip-hop. I’d buy the CD lol.

I know rite