Hearthstone - That other, other, other Blizzard game

The class spells are the design from the WCTCG that was pushed by blizzard execs, the magic pros that designed the mechanics absolutely hated it, they fought tooth and nail to keep hero powers out of the game because hero powers are stupid and extremely difficult to design. Ultimately the execs said “put this shit in or you’re fired” so now we have a horrible mechanic in hearthstone.

Now, the mage ability and the druid ability is actually fairly balanced. For example, if someone plays a 2/1 creature, the mage spends 2 mana and kills the creature. The Druid spends 2 mana, kills the creature, but takes 1 damage.

In the midgame the mage can pickoff X/1 creatures without taking damage, while the druid has to eat X-1 damage (unless he’s banked up more armour).

Yes you’re right, in a vacuum the druid just stomps the mage to death as the mage can never deal damage. In a vacuum, neither the druid nor the mage can deal damage to the priest, who gains 2 life a turn, or the warrior who gains 2 armour a turn.

Also the warrior can go above 30 life by stacking armour, but the priest cannot, however the priest can heal minions.

Ultimately class powers are bad, but in hearthstone they’re tuned extremely well, and each class has strengths and weaknesses which starts an underlying metagame between the classes. I’d say despite the design being flawed, the game still ends up being incredibly balanced so long as you know how to play the game and understand how both players abilities will impact the game.

I’m figuring something out right now. The reason why caster classes are so successful in arena more than others is because of the fact that they don’t invest their board state in CREATURES but in SPELLS. You can make creatures as big or as scary as you like, but they can be morphed into sheep, or frozen, or stolen. But no matter what happens on the board, a spell is almost always guaranteed to get full value.

Okay I’m starting to play ranked matches. Shit is fun. Rank resets every month correct?

ggs last night kim

I hit rank 10 on my account, probably about to hit a wall without some of the necessary legendaries

Got a golden epic… the pirate guy. I want to DE him, but I also want to get all the pirates so I can get the parrot. But since I wont even use it anyway, is it worth it?

I could sure use an Avenging Wrath for my pally deck…

I’ve been doing some theorycrafting for a pally deck, and I want to run this by you all to see if this shit would work. The general idea is to run as many dudes that spawn other dudes as possible, and attempt to squeeze as much value out of them as possible. Problem is, I’m not really sure if it’s worth the hassle.

Argent Protector x2
Knife Juggler x2
Murloc Tidehunter x2
Aldor Peacekeeper
Harvest Golem x2
Imp Master x2
Razorfen Hunter x2
Sword of Justice x2
Consecration x2
Cult Master x1
Defender of Argus x2
Dragonling Mechanic x2
Truesilver Champion x2
Silver Hand Knight x2
Argent Commander x1
Avenging Wrath x1
Sea Giant x2

I love how much Faerie dragon fucks with people that relies on using targeted spells/hero abilities to get rid of minions. Especially when they get buffed by Sun cleric a couple times.

… and then flame strike happens

Getting value out of multi-dudes can be tough, especially with all the cheap sweeps.

@Cryoh How about a ghoul and a few buff cards over Dragonling Mechanic? A complete Murlock deck would probably be better as well, although they’re expensive.

Just got BloodMage Thalnos. Great card that goes well with my rogue deck.

Yeah been wanting that card for my Rogue deck as well, doing well with two Azure Drakes though so it’s all good.

Azure drake is strong because its a 4/4 that replaces itself, but the opponent usually deals with it before you really get to use the spellpower (except for like, backstab and sinister strike).

Thalnos is strong because hes cheap enough to drop and buff spells, getting the spell power bonus immediately, and then replaces himself when he dies. That’s why thalnos fits into so many decks… anything that can cycle through your deck and give a benefit, especially when cheap, is going to be good.

Was having some fun playing control hunter last night, using most of the traps (freezing, snipe, explosive), eaglethorn bows, most of the hunter removal spells, and using unleash the hounds + the beasts to generate some big creatures/card draw. Not in ranked, as theres no way it would fly at rank 10, but it was fun nontheless. Was also playing Elite Tauren Chieften for shits an giggles, worst was when I played it, and it gave my opponent Rogues do it from beind, for 4 damage, and he had +1 spell damage so it just straight got killed. At least I got mulocs out of it lol. Since its unranked, I can play more of those fun decks and get away with it : )

I feel that the amount of pressure the 4/4 alleviates from me is really good though, but I do agree.

The grind for Vancleef/Bloodmage continues…

Yeah a lot of the cards in this deck taught me a lot of the fundamentals of this game. *slightly outdated

With the Bloodmage it pretty much completes the deck with vancleef being a bonus later if I get it.

So from what I see, playing any minion that allows you to draw a card already gives you “card” advantage and a bit of board advantage. If that card gets some kills usually when they get buffed from your other cards or forces your opponent to spend a card or both, you have for even more card advantage for you since that’s one less card for you to worry about and ideally with this deck you can have great board advantage once your opponent spends his removals as well.

Then those cards can become even more threatening when they get buffed like say the sun cleric or dark iron dwarf. Only thing I really hate is that you can’t play Dark Iron Dwarf by himself unlike the sun cleric.

Anyways since im done with that deck I can move on to working on another deck.

Soooo…I was up to level 14 with my paly deck…then I was trying to get the 60g daily quest with my horrible mage deck…and now I’m at 17…and I just remembered that you can cancel quests…damn me

Any word on when Open Beta stars?

Soon™, the official Blizzard answer

Honestly, I expect open beta probably next week, or before they launch season 2 (season 1 ends tomorrow)

Man, I’ve found that hunter control is REALLY good in arena. I’ve had a lot of trouble with hunters. Mainly because of their 3/5 points of damage removal and the fact that they can ping you for 2

Are there any decent Hearthstone sites other than Hearthhead, like one with articles or maybe video discussions?

Man drafting a paladin deck with no spells at all sucks dick, no hard removal or anything…

Just signed up for beta, hope it arrives soon.
Since the beta keys on reddit keep taking taken by bots.