Weren’t the Canon Brothers working on a 3D Dotgame Heroes looking game called StoneHeart? I wonder if anyone could get cease and desisted?
I’m looking forward to eventual Death Knight and Monk classes, as well as other skills being represented (Crusader Strike, Vampiric Touch, Mutilate, etc.)
Is Race a nonfactor here? For the most part the former CCG was outside of racial specific Quest cards. Some were good (Human, Troll) but a majority were ass.
Eh, I’ll put in a Beta thing since Pimp Willy also played the CCG. Although I doubt I can recreate my boss Fire Elemental deck…yet.
Boel I told you bro you gotta get in on this game.
Got my Necrodeck going on from my Magic: The Gathering playing days lol. Add me up if you guys wanna play, I’m still fairly new to this game, I just started yesterday lol
Here’s the so called “Miracle rogue”
Combines the Gadgetan Auctioneer (draw a card when you play a spell), shadowstep, the novice engineer (draw a card when played), and questing adventurer (gets +1/+1 for each card you played)
pumps his adventurer up to do 25 damage in an attack with just playing a constant barrage of low cost (or free cost) cards
Well class race has a special ability that costs 2 mana
mage: deal 1 damage to any target
warrior: gain 2 armor
hunter: deal 2 damage to the enemy hero
priest: heal 2 damage to target
warlock: take 2 damage and draw a card
shaman: summon a random totem (1/1, 0/2 heals 1 to all minions, 0/2 taunt, 0/2 +1 spell damage)
paladan : summon a 1/1 minion
druid: gain +1 armor and +1 attack for the turn
rogue: summons a 1 attack, 2 durability weapon
but, race doesn’t come into play at all as there’s only 1 of each class, no choice in hero outside of class. Even the TCG launched with a horde and alliance hero per class, but here it’s not that complex. Theres no such thing as horde cards, alliance cards, race cards, just your class cards, and the neutral cards (available to all classes). and neutral cards are minions only, no neutral abilities.
It’s basically a dumbed down, streamlined version of the TCG.
I expected it to launch at blizzcon, but it looks like it’s delayed to 2014
Thanks for the info Pimp Willy, simplified is kinda eh. But they can expand upon it later. Not that they will really but the option is there.
Miracle Rogue can go off with other finisher-style cards as well. Instead of needing a Questing Adventurer, the deck can also use Mana Addict (2 cost 1/3 - when you cast a spell, gain +2 attack this turn) or Edwin VanCleef (3 cost 2/2 - Combo: Gain +2/+2 for each card played this turn) as the pumped up target.
So I looked into building a miracle rogue deck,
a lot of core rares.
I need 1 more questing adventurer,
2 auctioneers
2 mana addicts
2 headcracks
then the nice to haves:
2 x preparation
bloodmage thalnos
Edwin VanCleef
I say Preparation is almost a required, and it’s an epic!
That’s a lot of dust I don’t currently have, sadly, but I’ll start working towards that goal
kim keeps tellin me yall are free while we are busy making fantasy basketball trades
Upcoming card changes from Blizzcon:
-Mind Control cost is being increased to 10.
-Starving Buzzard health is being decreased to 1.
-Unleash the Hounds is going to be changed, but they aren’t sure yet.
Mind Control at 10 makes it unplayable. It was already a shitty to meh card; the only reason people think highly of it is because they do dumb shit/build crap stuff and get punished for it. Oh well.
At blizzcon they have an area to play arena. If you go 5 and 0 you get a CD. 9 and 0 for an action figure. Only playing people there.
I only went 2 and 1 bastard warlock had a good deck lol. I had drafted druid for the first time ever because it was better for me than lock or shammy options
I got a Ysera today! And I got a dent into my miracle rogue deck (2 questing adventurers, and most of the commons I need)
I agree. MC is annoying in arena, but it’ll be pretty much a non factor in constructed.
On a unrelated note, I’ve got a pretty good idea for a constructed mid-range Paladin tempo deck, but I’m going to need a fuckton of dust, since I’m 2 legendaries and 1 epic short of my ideal deck list.
Man…I really hate drafting in this game. I like how they’ll put the 3 basic things your deck will need to be decent in one pick and then not show you any of those cards for the rest of the picks.
The fact that you can’t really block like in MTG makes it that much harder to navigate a so so draft deck and make it a winner.
It’d be hard to do a real draft, given that cards are restricted by class. You could end up with a deck that is not playable if they did it like that. I wonder if there’s a way around that.
I liked the blizzcon tournament format they did.
Submit 3 decks, for 3 different classes
First game, blind pick from both sides.
Winner keeps deck, loser picks from another deck.
If you lose with all 3 decks, you’re out.
The finals were super intense, Artosis managed to win vs a control wizard (with a deck named turn 8, because it wins on turn 8) using his aggressive warrior by forcing a pyroblast onto one of his mobs in order to survive. Takes Kripp down to 1 health, and plays Leper Gnome. Kripp draws the blizzard he needs to win… but now it kills the leper gnome, winning him the last game and the tournament.
I also really liked Artosis priest deck. On turn 2, he did coin -> Injured Blademaster -> Circle of healing, netting a 4/7 on turn 2 vs another priest deck, who couldn’t deal with a 4/7 because of the 4 attack. Pretty awesome.
Here were his winning decklists:
I’ll throw up my battle tag later I mostly just play arena. I did get a Yesara yesterday though might run a priest deck with it.
ggs kim, that warlock deck is no joke. Was a few spells short of being able to kill you with the questing adventurer with the rogue deck. I don’t think I actually beat it at all did I? The other games were fun too, that mage vs warrior was pretty close