Headset jack for TE stick

Hey all,

I left my headset adapter that comes with the TE plugged in as I traveled and it got torqued out of the jack and split in half. That is to say that the bottom half of it came off, while the other half is now wedged sideways in there with no easy way of getting to it or getting it out. The madcatz PCB actually has a nice adapter to pins (looks like a CPU fan power adapter but with 4 wires).

2 things.

  1. I was wondering why they have a 4 wire connector, shouldn’t they only need 3 for stereo audio and a ground? or are there two grounds?

  2. Where can I purchase a replacement female jack? I sent madcatz an email to no avail, and I have seen long extension cords with a female end on it but I was hoping for something a little more elegant. Is this possible?

EDIT: Will one of these work instead? http://www.xbox.com/en-US/hardware/x/xbox360wirelessheadset/

Unless you feel confident that you can redo the jack, I’d say go wireless and avoid messing up your stick any more than it has to be.

The stereo jack in the controller is a 3-connection 5-pin female jack. One of the pins is ground, one audio, one microphone, and the last two are switching contacts that make it possible to detect if a plug is inserted.

The connector on the madcatz pcb only uses 4 of the 5 pins labeled:
1 - SPK
2 - SW
3 - MIC
4 - AGND

The SPK and MIC are the speaker and microphone signal lines respectively and AGND is the analog ground for both. SW is the switched contact for the SPK pin (i.e., if nothing is inserted it is common with SPK, when a plug is inserted it is disconnected from SPK). The unconnected pin is the switching contact for the microphone.

As for replacements you just need something like this:

Digikey didn’t have any through-hole replacements for the subminiature (2.5mm) jacks (I’m pretty sure this is the size of the xbox connector but can’t measure at the moment).

You might, however, be able to solder that particular one to the bottom of the madcatz jack pcb.

Hope this helps and goodluck!

Hemes, I was looking all over for information on what the fourth headset wire does; thanks so much for posting this information. Where did you find out how the headset wiring works?

I’m looking into this because I’m using a PC headset (two stereo 3.5mm plugs) to 360 headset (one mic/spk 2.5mm plug) adapter that I made myself, and it works fine in a regular 360 controller, but the mic isn’t working on the TE stick.

The system does recognize when I plug the 2.5mm into the TE stick, and I also get voice output to my headset, but the TE stick doesn’t seem to be passing the mic signal through correctly. Do I need to do something with the fourth wire inside my stick maybe?

I’d appreciate any advice anyone has about what could be the problem. Thanks a lot!

i lost my t.e. headset jack, anyway i can find a replacement?

Wow, after researching the specs for a couple hours via google, all I had to do was search here. Now I finally found a semi-mountable headset jack solution to use for my custom, thanx for your knowledge. My first post here, but been absorbing custom fight stick making information here on the site for like 2 solid weeks now. The community is blessed to have such a versatile group of members with abundant amounts of knowledge :slight_smile: Digikey is pretty much the only option for these. I have found there are other retailers online but, either are the same ones as listed on digikey at higher price, or there isnt sufficient information to decide if it will work, many of the nice panel mounts screw nuts are either only mono or three pole. I will continue to do research, and if I find any other relevant info or different options I will post about it. Thanx :slight_smile:

Still no solution to this problem?

heres another quiestion, is there anyway to get this working with a Paewang PCB?