HDR Tournament

I don’t know if you people already know but there will be a tournament for HDR at eventhubs.com. Check the url below :


There’s no url below…

ohh sorry here it is :


This might be fun.

I’m definatly going to participate.

good news, i registered.

damn xbox, i love toastin fools online :frowning:

There is a PSN version aswell.

when is this thing going down? who is running it?
I signed up already, but are they gonna post a bracket or anything of that sort?

From what I’ve read, the tournament starts on the 30th. We get randomly bracketed and are supposed to play our matches against our seleted opponent within a given week. Winner moves on, and has another week to play his next opponent. I think that’s the idea…

Sounds like fun. :slight_smile:

well aqua snake perhaps we will meet again :wink:

Is this going down tomorrow or what?

is this the same tourney organised by SF2HDFR EU?

if so, then me and hitwari were/are in the finals but SF2HDFR EU didnt give us any news on who we were supposed to be playing

Different Tourny.

it’s a different one and the start date is the 1st July, for more info just click :

When or how do we find out who we play? There is nothing on that site saying anything about it

I’m your next opponent. If I understand things correctly, we have until friday the 10th to play best of three matches, best of three rounds. I’m leaving tommarow for vacation, and won’t be back till wed. the 8th. I’ll be on later tonight to see if I can catch ya, and if not, we’ll just play when I get back if that’s alright with you. Here’s the bracket:


They havn’t updated it yet…

Oh ok well then lets try and play tonight then my GT is BlueTallCans and I think we have until the eigth to play I am on the West coast PST so let me know when you can get on and play
I hope you’re not going through a router because sometimes I have problems connecting with people like that.