Hdr semi on stream

It went down almost the way I predicted. Very hype this year! A lot of upsets on most games played too. Congratulations to Snake Eyes for securing 1st place and DGV at 2nd very intense matches. I’m glad the “New Blood” took over HDR and not the vets…!!!

I’m glad Snake Eyez won. What I saw was genuine character knowledge and great mind games. I’ve not seen anyone use standing jab to counter so many things. I’m a pad player too so I know roughly what to expect in terms of execution, but the speed he was mashing that jab was mad.

DGV did great too. If I may make some constructive criticism, I feel he jumped in a little bit more than he needed to. Snake was damn good at getting those wakeup lariats, so I think I would have gone for meaty wakeup fireballs and just tutle that shit up. DGV has mad execution too, so I think some lariat baits > rush punch > sweep might have worked well.

That said, my Gief strategy is very repetitive (verging on turtling), so I expect Snake would have adapted to it.

Running bear grab is everyone’s worst nightmare. Shit happens so fast.

It’s such a shame I live in England. I’d love to be able to play guys like these online. Sad that there was no European players in top 8. I presume that’s because hardly any Europeans went out there rather than we just being outplayed? Did Ryan Hart play in HDR?

Hey blitz, I think you got Afro and Daigo reversed…here’s the EventHub results…

  1. Snake Eyez (Zangief)
  2. DGV (Ryu)
  3. Daigo Umehara (Balrog, Ryu)
  4. AfroLegends (Balrog, Dee Jay)
  5. Jason Cole (Dhalsim)
  6. Tokido (Vega, E. Honda)
  7. Alex Valle (Ryu, Sagat)
  8. RyRy (Ryu)

No, Afro beat Daigo in losers. blitz got it right.

Hmmm, that’s right it was Rog vs Rog and Afro cheated at the end with his non-stop ticks…lol, then EventHubs got it wrong…!

Played him before a few times online. I learned so many ways to lose with Sim in those encounters. :lol:

Sweet Poison, play him. You will learn the 100 ways to lose. Its a secret yoga art that relies on painful reminders of how you lost the first 100 times.

Yeah they got it wrong. Here’s the official results by inkblot on the front page. Anybody know the real names for Snake Eyez and DGV? It’s not hugely important but it would be nice.

I have played him. Dont you remember me saying that I felt the Zangief match wasnt as bad as it was in ST. He was beasting me and Cvital.



He definitely is a scholar of the game. Congratulations Snake Eyes. And Ego I think it proves he doesnt have a programmable pad. :slight_smile: People were mad because of how he was pulling off so many spd’s and never missing.

Oh yeah… where’s the ‘turbo’ complaints now??? Mad props to you Snake Eyez… winning EVO, from Losers, with Gief, on Pad… wow… just wow.

Although I hope this actually opens up the roster again in HDR. How many tourneys had we seen pre EVO where it was “Ryu vs. Ryu” in the final??? Cole made top 8 with a super impressive Sim (and one of the most hype matches of all EVO when he took down Daigo), Afro Legends still rocking Balrog and Dee Jay… it was good. Zangief low tier what???

HDR Semi Finals Archive (starts at 1:24):

Justin.tv - come, watch and chat - EVO 2010 LIVE! (2nd Day) Tekken 6 || SSF4 Semi @ 3:00 PST || g4tv.com/EVO Jul 10 2010 at 4:20PM EDT

Justin.tv - come, watch and chat - EVO 2010 LIVE! (2nd Day) SSF4 Semi Finals LIVE! || g4tv.com/EVO Jul 10 2010 at 6:20PM EDT

Many thanks to Cry_Me_A_River for posting this in the EVO forums. It features all the matches in the Eventhubs battle log.

I just wanted to quote this point, because I cannot believe how few people understand it. EVO’s promotions of “top 8” etc is really total nonsense. When I didn’t understand how double elims worked I just took it for granted that there was some kind of decent ranking, but of course, there isn’t. They are just not an effective ranking method at all. Only over the couse of multiple double elims could you get to that.

It’s not that confusing and top 8 ranking does actually make sense. 1st and 2nd everybody agrees is the Grand Final winner (Snake Eyez) and loser (DGV). The player that lost the Loser’s Final (Afrolegends) is 3rd. And the last player he beat before Loser’s Final (Daigo) is 4th. The players who were in the winner’s bracket but lost to the top 4 (Tokido, Cole) are 5th. And the players who started out in loser’s bracket but didn’t beat anybody in the top 8 (Valle, RyRy) are 7th. As to the exact placement in the list for 6th and 8th doesn’t matter as they’re both 5th or 7th anyway IMO.

Oh yea…

Play him again! lol