So, we need to run WW as the joke tourney… okay. Well, to make Frank happy, we’ll run Alpha 2 for him. Now I feel like I should actually run this tournament… Of course so many of these games would have to be played on PC with emulation though… I mean it wouldn’t be hard to do I suppose but there’s no way to get all those actual cabs… or SNESes with the cartridges… but my mind is now aflutter with ideas…
I was mostly being sarcastic when I said it… but maybe its more real than I realized… a real true old school legacy tourney… hmmm… The possibilities…
Not quite, it is the the same as Dream Cast ST. Which is not the same as arcade ST (there are a couple of issues), but has been the most suported non-arcade version by the tournament scene.
So in what is the worst possible luck for me, SB:R is having its side tourneys on Friday (which is a no go since I have Friday graduate symposium that month…) and ST arcade is on Sunday, which is also a no go for personal reasons… Just couldn’t win this one…
Ever since SFII: World Warrior got ported to the SNES, there have been pad players around. You could actually say that American players were playing on pad **before **they were playing on square gate sticks, and you would be correct. This is why I support ST/HDR on PS3/360 over arcade cabs, so that everyone can play on their stick/pad of choice. Even if an arcade cab has converters, it most likely will be for PS1/DC controllers and not for PS3/360 controllers.
Arcade cabs will only diminish people’s choices, not increase them. And this will in turn diminish the amount of people playing ST/HDR. And as a SF2 supporter, I cannot condone what SB is doing. Arcade cabs are a step backward for the scene IMO. Honestly, the only way SF2 can move forward is on consoles.
Hey Thelo, what day were you planning on running the HDR tourney at SB. I won’t to able to make it on Friday. I might on Saturday, but just from a purely selfish point of view don’t want to fight all the SF4 people (and don’t know if I can make it two days that weekend). So I’m hoping for Sunday, after the ST tourney (which I think is in the morning).
That’s unfortunately not my call to make, all side game tourneys run on Friday, including HDR. I tried to push to have ST / HDR on the same day or at least subsequent days, but it was not to be.
I’m pretty sure there will still be casuals and whatnot on Saturday and maybe even Sunday though.
Hey Silver, looks like I might be able to get them to change the HDR tourney to Saturday night around 8:00 PM. I’m assuming that works better for everyone going than Friday night?
Hey everyone. I won’t be able to make it. My wife has had some difficulties with her pregnancy and she will be on mandatory bed rest for the rest of it so I won’t be going anywhere or doing much of anything in terms of playing for a while. I wish you guys the bets of luck with the HDR tourney at SB:R. I’m sure you guys will do a great job.
I will be at this tournament unless work interferes. I’ll enter both the ST and HDR tournaments, and would even be willing to play HF if somebody hosted that.
I don’t really care about the HDR vs ST debate anymore. I’m sick of it. There’s room for both. There’s no rule written anywhere that says that we have to have a national standard for SF2, and just as other types of competitions have their variances in rules and play, so can SF2.