Super Turbo brethen in SoCal, you guys should really try to make it to Denjin Arcade this Saturday for the Classic Mode tourney. Vintage made a post in the ST section and there wasn’t a single response crickets C’mon guys, this is your chance to shape the direction of console SF2. The Denjin guys are really open to embracing any SF2 game; so if the community wants ST, it’s time to show it :china:
“Any” SF2? Super SF2! If I was in Cali then I’d so be there! LOL.
You guys need to create a mailing list or something. I need a bit more advance notice. If there is an ST revival on the WC I want to do my part!
However, this particular time my GF is flying back from out of town Saturday night. Her G-PA is dying from prostate cancer. He had two strokes last week. Unfortunately, his time is short. So, I need to be there when she lands. :karate:
Yes Ganelon, I can spell Hypocrite.
I would love to attend a HDR or ST/Classic tourney but unfortunately I won’t be able to make it as well.
Sorry to hear about your situation, fatboy.
I’ll try to be there if I can convince my mom that missing 2 days of the semester isn’t that bad. If I do showup watch out hdr/st heads!
Most of the people that like ST I have talked to say they want nothing to do with HDR even classic mode. It seems they only want ST and people that play hd remix want remix mode. Is there anyway you can advertise a classic mode tournament, a HDR tournament and then finally a ST tournament to see what the highest turn out is? Maybe you all can try hyper fighting and super street fighter 2 also to finally get some actual turn out answers on what the most popular version of SF2 currently is at least in southern California.
The guys at Denjin could probably get this done.
You know what, I’m just going to organize a SF2 legacy tournament. We’ll just run everytihng. Start with WW in the morning, then CE, then Hyper, then Super SF2, then ST, then HDR. I’ll put this together 6 months from now and we’ll see who shows up.
Yeah, I really want to try to help the WC ST scene, I just need a bit more heads up. As I am think some of the other ST OGs do, If the organizers can create a list or a thread to subscribe to so that we get notified, then it would be easier to plan on attending many of the events.
P.S. @ Kurropi & Rufus thanks for the kind words.
But, really what i dont understand is that why not just put HDR in classic mode which is suppose to be the same as the arcade ST. even though i never played the Classic mode.
Some folks prefer the entire set of classic visuals. Other folks don’t like that the speed is off. And still others like me are still concerned about input lag until someone performs tests on both versions.
Thelo, how are you getting to SB?
I’ll make a long-winded post on this whole thing later but…
Silver, I would fly all the way from Florida for this!!
HDR Classic Mode is basically a carbon copy of the Dreamcast Version of Super Turbo. I enjoy playing the classic mode with the classic sprites more than the remixed version. At least on the XBOX version I don’t experience as many random things happening (classic mode) as I do with the remixed version. And Classic Mode seems to flow better. Dunno technical specs, don’t really care. I just want my Old School Vanilla Ass Super Turbo (or Hyper Fighting or Alpha 2) please! Hope to see some of you at Season’s Beatings 5!
I’ll probably rent a car and drive down there. It’s cheaper than flying and lets me bring more stuff. 12+ hour drive is pretty damn long, though.
Did you want a ride?
I know you’re probably being sarcastic, but if we can all agree on one thing it’s that WW is fundamentally broken and isn’t tournament viable. Unless you ban Guile. But you can’t ban Guile :sad:
I might, need to see if it’s doable with Thanksgiving being the same week and how many people will be off at work, etc. I’ll let you know when I know!
Nothing beats playing arcade ST on japanese sit down cabinet. It brings out the best in everyone.
Agreed! lol
Sorry to hear about that (my prayers go out to her & the family). That’s great that you’ll be with her during this arduous time.
Mailing list could possibly work, or better yet I’ll have you round up the troops!. As for getting advanced notice, don’t be surprised if you get some random text during the middle of the week stating…“It’s time!”
Possum: Haha…SSF2 at a tourney would be !!! At least you, myself, Vintage and Sabre know of the true greatness :karate:
SilverRain: Indy here I come!
Damdai: Let me fix that for ya…Nothing beats playing SF on a Hanaho cabinet. It brings out the best in everyone. =D
Damn I would rather have HDR be the $50 Entry Fee than ST…