HDR Online Remixed Tournaments []

That’s great news. Considering you’re one of the top Ken/Ryu players on here, this will make for great competition.

Sign ups closed, games can begin.

Check the match up rules and brackets here: Remixed Round Robin matches

GG’s to paulkachou and geneijin87. I should have asked for a few practice matches with genei before doing the tourney match :sad:. Forgot the boxer MU entirely lol.

Btw for those who don’t know, I’m playing on a temporary account, “Engravingz.”

Edit: I’m online.

Are we suppose to pm the results here or through XBL?

You can PM me the results here or XBL or post it in this thread.

engravings beat me. I played ken and thawk. whos next?

hold your horses, I’m coming. lol

Damnnnn I missed it

Its still going vital, just look for the guys on the list and play them.

am i still in/


Naw he definitely missed it lol hes not on the participant list signups closed last night

RoyalPhlush is right. Sign ups closed last night at midnight, since it takes me some time to organize brackets this time around and that this event is not a one night only deal. Sorry Cvital.

I’ll be on for quite some time now, so if anyone wants to get matches done just send me a message and I’ll jump into the game. I’ll also be lingering in chat if anyone needs anything.

I’m getting on in 5 minutes. People look me up.

Sad face

I’m on, hit me up!

On right now. Find me.

ok geneiJin87 I played quite a few matches but there also was a few people either not on, didnt want to play, or all of the above. This is what happens when you leave it open to people to play their matches. Sorry for being so pessimistic but until people prove me wrong it is what it is. I was able to record all my matches so I will post them up. GGS to all those I played. Well played Vega Engravingz even though I found it sickening how you perfected your wall dives. So annoying but again well played and that is what makes Vega so top tier and a difficult character to fight against. Kumi nice Cammy. Genei nice Bison. I have to give zoolander credit for my win. I was ready to just give in but the force came in and I just start remembering what he said to do. GGS Dngr s. I hate ryu and ken. I could say more about how I feel but I need to figure how to stop the gay ass hurricane to knee bash and learn the matchup.

Anyways my two cents for the next tournament if there is one, would be to use brackets. Keeps people accountable and I think it just runs faster and smoother. Again though I thank you for all your efforts.

[media=youtube]3_hzkbsxZw8[/media] Sweet Poison vs DNGR S PAPERCUT

[media=youtube]KYTZH-7TjI8[/media] Sweet Poison vs Kamui99

[media=youtube]1xBWaqK0SCc[/media] Sweet Poison vs Engravingz

[media=youtube]agCV1kzNHE0[/media] Sweet Poison vs GeneiJin87

[media=youtube]mSNo1ORGP_A[/media] Sweet Poison vs BaklaKiller

[media=youtube]BiIpWv3KUQw[/media] Sweet Poison vs Real Decoy

I respect your opinion, and actually I even agree with you. I’ve had similar experiences when I ran my weekly events last year, and you’re right – a lot of people usually wait until the last minute to squeeze in everything or forget about it during the week. No one really took initiative and that was the main reason I gave up on that approach. Actually, I take that back. There were a select few that tried their damnedest to honor their commitment to play. One guy that really comes to mind is Lyghts 0ut. Despite all the controversy surrounding him, he has my respect for many things, one being he always came in ready to play when he said he would. I kind of expect people who wanted to participate in the first place to really step up, but at the same time I also understand that not everyone has the convenience of time and everyone has different priorities. This is completely respectable and after all, as long as you can complete the task at hand within the time frame, there’s nothing for me to complain about. My motivation and the success of these events come down to the players, so thank you to all who take the time and effort to play, and an even bigger thank you to those who try and commit to their decision. Players such as yourself Sweet Poison, Engravings, DNGR S PAPERCUT, Kamui99, Biiig OOO, paulkachou, and many others make it worthwhile for me to continue doing what I do.

I am planning on sticking mostly to one night events where attendance is crucial, though sometimes I’ll throw in timed events like this just so players who can’t make it to those one-nighters can have a chance at playing. Both approaches have their pros and cons; I’ll use the stats of each to see which works out better in the long run.

By the way, what was your result against Kamui99? Your Sagat started to play mind games with me after the second set. It was like I couldn’t read you anymore. Good stuff though.

I apologize if I was coming across like a snot. I just dont want people wasting your time. I know you put a lot of time and effort into these tourneys and again it is greatly appreciated. I know I am not the only one who feels this way. You definitely are helping the gaming scene stay alive in regards to HDR. Personally, I just like I can be somewhat competitive and not deter people from wanting to play, when they have to go against me.

But as long as you are running these things and I will definitely make the effort to play.

And Kamui99 got me 2 games to 0. I got a little too anxious and he made me pay for it.