HDR Online Remixed Tournaments []

paulkachou’s matches


Thanks to Geneijin87 for organizing the tournament, and thanks and ggs to my competitors, blitzfu, ThatKidPoret, and kacom.

As always thank you geneijin for running this. You definitely help to contributing to keeping the scene alive at least online for many of us who would love to go and play offline but due to hectic schedules just isn’t feasible. Second thanks to my competitors. GGS to you all. I have some new toys I was playing with tonight and it just didnt seem like it was smooth on my end. Maybe because it is so damn cold here in Nebraska. I wasnt able to record any of my matches because I didnt get my Hauppage HD pvr yesterday due to the crazy weather that hit the midwest. I will have it tomorrow so hopefully if you run another one I should be ready and have used it enough to be sufficient. Good night everyone and congrats to whomever wins.

Sucks how I had to miss it due to work :frowning: Hopefully next time this doesn’t happen to me again.

congrats to mars for winning again!! love how fast and smooth the tournaments are being run

Wish I didn’t have work Thursday nights, this is looking to be a regular thing.

Mars is just a HDR/ST beast! Good job Mars, proving once again you’re not just “lucky” as you always claim. Thank you to everyone who showed up tonight, sorry I kind of slowed things down near the end – I had some important things come up. Good work everyone!

Site is fully updated with results, profile changes, tier listing, rank scoreboard, and the addition of newcomers (Kacom, ThatKidPoret, evoanon, x Mithos x). Will announce another event probably within 2 weeks.

Agreed. These tourneys have been as smooth as butter. Good work Geneijin.

Thanks again to Geneijin for running a great tourney again as always, as well as VGGs in our fights. I Didn’t expect to get past 1st round in all honesty. VGGS to Cvital in the grandfinals, im not sure how the outcome turned out the way it did lol. And yes i do believe it was extreme luck, as it was very hard and tough as everyfight is. Well back to training. ggs everyone. Take care.

Vomits out the humility…

Geneijin please please please make it remix next one…Gief is hungry for Green berets, especially the super nice one!

Can I join the next one too?

I have a working xbox again.

Well done Mars. Nice to see Guile win.

Just curious though, why do you think you are such a bad player and who online has a better Guile than you?

Don’t sweat not being able to record videos. The choice is 100% yours and you shouldn’t feel obligated to have to record, although I (and I’m sure the rest of the community) greatly appreciate it if and when you or paulkachou or Thelo take the time to do so. Maybe next time!

Thanks for the kind words everyone. How do people feel about team tournaments? Perhaps a 3-on-3 or a team of 5/6/7 from country A vs team of 5/6/7 from country B? Or would it be more preferable to stick with a solo entry double elimination format?

I think it would be fine man. As long as we can keep the games running as smooth and efficient as you have, then why not. I think it is pretty obvious you have a bunch of old faithfuls playing. Hopefully it attracts some others.

And I am good to go on recording now. I finally picked up a Hauppage HD PVR. It is soooo nice. I love being able to record in HD. It sucks that HDR doesnt have a replay system like SSFIV. I think all games at least fighting games should have it. Rumor has it that MVC3 wont have it which is a major let down in my eyes. Hopefully that gets corrected.

I had a lot of fun even though I was done pretty quickly. Nerves were messing with my execution. GGs to Sweet Poison and paulkachou. I think the more I play with XBL elite the better I get so hopefully I can play with you guys in another tourney sometime soon.

Thanks to Genei for running the tourney and the people who recorded that was a nice bonus.

Next event is scheduled to be a Remixed Round Robin with Default Rules in Remixed mode. For those who don’t know how a round robin works, you essentially play all participating members (excluding yourself). In this event, all games are played normally (first to 2 games wins). Once all your matches are played, your amount of wins will act as a score to determine your rank placement. Those with similar scores will play again, but the game will be treated as a semi-finals match (first to 3). The players fighting for first place will treat the game as a grand finals match (first to 4).

In the case where there are more than 2 players with similar score, then those players will play everyone in their group under semi-finals terms (except for those playing for first place; which will be played under grand finals terms). The ranking for the group of players will determine on the amount of wins that are accumulated when playing against those with similar scores.

Since this is close to the release of MvC3, I’ve extended the time to play from one night to 1 week. This event starts on Friday, February 18th and will last until 11:00PM EST on February 25th or until all matches are played. Keep in mind, depending on the number of entrants, there could be a fair amount of games to be played, so try to get them all done as soon as possible. Sign ups close on Thursday, February 17 at 11:59 PM EST.

I would like to play. Are we character locked?

It’s character locked on win. You’re free to choose anyone else if you lose or when you’re starting your first game against an opponent.

I’m not very good, can I use akuma?

I dont know about Canada bro but MVC3 comes out February 15th in the U.S. I’m not sure what you meant.

Also I thought the teams versus is a better idea. Any time you start letting people play matches and have to schedule with one another it just makes for disaster with people not playing. I like how these tournaments have been running for one night and within the hour possible a little longer. Personally the idea just seems like it will take too long and with Marvel vs Capcom 3 literally right around the corner I just dont know. Obviously I’m speaking for myself but I may have to pass on this one. I wonder what every one else thinks?

I believe MvC3 is coming out the same day here. I’m sure a lot of people will be picking up their copies on release day or during the week and are most probably going to want to play it more than HDR over the weekend/for the next little while. I’m hoping the majority of players who sign up for this one will be on during the starting day of the event and we can get most, if not all, of the games out of the way. Although this will depend all on the amount of people who want in, we can either finish this in a couple of hours or use the extension. I’m giving it a few days before I finalize the time, just to test the waters. This is me being hopeful though, lol.