HDR Classic Mode only Matchmaking Thread


We didn’t say anything bad. Mars was just joking around.

I’ll hit you up if you’re on Tec.

well since this is a matchmaking trhead I’ll put up the characters I use. Reason being is because some people use characters in Classic that they wont use in HDR (Like me lol)

Mains: Bison, Vega
Subs: Gief, Blanka, Chun, Guile, O. Hawk, O. Sagat, Fei, Boxer
working on everyone else

Maaaaan…HDR messed me up bad…so now when I play classic it feels like a different game. I can’t take advantage of the R-buffs that I’m so accustomed to. Yall better make those classic rooms private…I’m tired of joining those 6/6 classic rooms from the lobby only to find out when it’s my turn…it’s fawking classic. That’s the only reason I lost to Mars the other day. lol

Can’t play a REEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAL game huh?

jk lol

What? You don’t like Ochio “loop” in the corner and easy Ochio dizzies? LOL. I can almost get the HDR Honda HHS combo to work in VST, got it working almost half the for me now. Automatic dizzy every time after the Ochio. The only thing from HDR I miss is the better floating fierce and jumping short. But ST Honda hits so much harder once he gets in it about makes up for it.

its about to be on son. I just learned the japanese’s babyzone spd inputs. 5 mins of trying i was able to pull off a walking 720 with a low jap whiff buffer. i’m gonna pick everyone up and take them for a spin now.

explain pls =)

shortcuts. japanese use them.


Haha that shit is SO BABYZONE!@!@! RTRTRTRTRT!!

@ mad possum~ That shiat barely ever works online. ESPECIALLY on that there GGPO.

lol, yeah I love that sh!t…it’s just that I’m not able to pull that sh!t off. But the only time I get on classic mode…it’s usually against killer ass ST vets…so I don’t have much room for a practice set when everyone else is in there for blood. I need to untrain my second-nature HDR methods and get back to my roots of practicing some “Vanilla Warfare!” Hahahaha!!!

I’m sure you’ll have plenty of chances to practice if you play me.

Ochio motion, crouching jab(hold), when crouching jab hits, release crouching jab just under a second after. :china: PULL IT OFF EGO, PULL IT OFF!

VST makes me use CAPS. AHHH!

Yeah I think I remember the motion…it’s all the 2 1/2 years of (non-stop playing) HDR’s babyzone control motions that has handicapped me in ST…is all I’m saying. But seeing how there’s quite the lovely gathering over here…I might have to get the fat ass in shape for classic mode and then go fawk someone up in GGPO! If I can connect that is :frowning:

That shit’s no joke.

Man I wish I was on XBL now. Y’all even got matchmaking threads for Classic Mode. Hot!

Still can’t get any Classic games going, have to bait them in Ranked :-. Did play a couple japanese last night, very fun. XPSR and XxTONYxX something, very good bison player.

Been going to GGPO to get the classic fix, but that crap drops so much inputs its not even funny. There is no point to tick throw there, as 90% of the time the input is dropped :-.

I actually played in a room with those same 2 players today. i can’t quite put my finger on it, but I have more fun playing Classic than I do playing HDR

Been able to get some pretty intense 6 player Classic Rooms going the past few afternoons. Nice to see a re-sparked interest! Hopefully this keeps up!!! :slight_smile:

Guess I’ll do this here…GGs: **JigglyNorris, NLP OU, Marsgatti **in classic mode.

Everynite that i log in…someone is playing classic mode and sucker me in there with an invite. My running excuse for these guys, “try that sh!t on me in remix!!” Hahaha. Nah, good stuff…I’m putting in the practice now…it’s like rehab therapy on trying to relearn a game I’ve played nearly a decade ago…same concept in the game but the strategy and move sets is a bit different. Too many nites spent in remix!!!

Hey did you go to NCR? I’m not sure, but I thought I heard the guy running the SSFIV brackets call your name.

@Evoanon: How come you didn’t make it to SCR or NCR man? What with you been in Central CA and all, I’d thought you’d make it to at least one of these. Would have been dope to meet you in person.