^^^^ LOL. You were expecting a free custom grade stick?
Technical Monkey is he concidered one of the best Chun Li players? I’m looking for some top Chun Li vids can anyone piont me in the right direction. Sorry I’m kinda out of the loop on this. I’m gonna post some of my vids soon just need to setup an account on youtube
Ryu vs Ryu… a few more comming
I love the comments on the video already hahahaha
They are actually very good Ryu players, and even better now that they had a couple more weeks of practice.
Nice Ryu vs Ryu game, as I said before, most Ryu v Ryu matches, will become lot of HADoken,
Yah, they’re pretty good. Playing strong fundamentals and they have pretty good reversal timing as well. A lot of random youtubers don’t understand competitive ST though, so I guess their comments are fair since there ARE going to be tons of ADOKETS.
I managed to record a money match and final 8 footage from a tourney at my house on 1-10-09:
Playlist: http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=3097D7EAE53F2551
Results: http://forums.shoryuken.com/showthread.php?t=172429
I’ve recorded a few of my matches win or loose (mostly win) and put em up on youtube just for shits and giggles. Check em out if you want. BTW I talk a lot of trash but who doesn’t right lol So just a fair warning if you play me you might be caught on tape
P.S. sry about crappy techno on a few :rolleyes:
A few of the guys from Sirlin.Net got together for a matchup night. Most of us just got worked over by Sirlin and Thelo the whole night though.
Sirlin (Fei Long, Dictator, Ryu, Sagat, Cammy, T.Hawk)
Thelo (Honda)
Lofobal (Claw)
Blicen (Many different characters)
BlessedWind (Guile, Chun, Honda)
Amp (LOL MYSELF; Fei Long)
Yeah my Fei Long is bad.
Oakland Cannery Tournament 1/24/09. Sound wouldn’t cap right, so I overlaid some STHD music on the videos.
- A_Rival (Bison) PERFECT
- Onikage (Vega) Lost to A_Rival 2x
- insomnotek (Chun, Gief) Lost to A_Rival, Onikage
Sirlin went 4-5 against Thelo’s Honda, 0-4 using non-fireball characters. I know it was just casuals but Sirlin did say the way he knew something was too good was if someone beat him with it, so is this definitive proof that Honda is too good against non-fireball characters…
“Sirlin went 4-5 against Thelo’s Honda, 0-4 using non-fireball characters. I know it was just casuals but Sirlin did say the way he knew something was too good was if someone beat him with it, so is this definitive proof that Honda is too good against non-fireball characters…”
I wasn’t aware that beating Sirlin with a character was definitive proof that this character was too good.
There’s a lot of characters that are “definitely proven to be too good”, then.
If anyone cares, I think I am going to start uploading some of my matches. Be warned, I only play Gief nowadays, and some of the matches are hella gross. Hell, I am not even that good. Enjoy.
Hey Syxx, thanks for posting a video of our matches. What happened to the other 17 matches? We had 19 remember? JK.
BTW, who’s lancecryor? He said he remembers beating on me with Cammy, but the only 2 Cammy users I know are Syxx and Faux123. Your name rings a bell, and I do recall that you play good, but I don’t remember you using Cammy. Anyway, just wanted to check.
I’ve been playing Fighting games only since A2 went on GGPO, and even I was inching ever closer to beating Thelo’s Honda with my Fei Long that night.
VOLTECH vs Syxx573 - Got more vids on the way here’s the first of a 4 set enjoy!!! leave a comment if you feel so inclined.
I guess Sirlin didn’t TRY HARD ENOUGH against Honda using non-fireballers. He copped out instead picking Ryu/Sagat against Thelo’s Honda.
Nice technique there with the lightning leg spam. I don’t use them enough against Cammy. It’s a good move because Cammy has to come at you with her body and none of her moves have enough invincibility to go through those milky thighs.
Yep! more vids on the way just uploading now. Syxx was smart and found a way around it but it’s a good way to make them change up their game just watch out for that hooligan throw hehe
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I think I deleted the second half sorry guys I’m a little drunk at this point