Hawkeye or Hulk?

I’m looking for a solid toon for my team. I got wolvie at front and Dormammu as anchor.

Im having a hard time trying to figure out who my second person would be. Im thinking Hawkeye or Hulk.
I’ve used Dante, and Zero but its no bueno.

So who do you guys think is better Hawkeye or Hulk?

Interesting. Why not post this in the Hulk section? lol.

Interesting. Why not post this in the Hulk section? lol.

Anyway, i say Hawkeye. I’m a zoning/keep away player though so i’m biased i guess. However, from what i’ve seen Hulk is like Nemesis, in that he is strong up-close but really weak against long range. Against most Hulk’s if i can get any measure of distance between us, my Arthur usually wrecks him badly.